Re: Alternative to CWM as a simple command-line reasoner for RDF

Hi Tim,

On 09/28/16 15:42, Tim Finin wrote:
> When teaching about semantic web technology, I've used CWM as a simple
> command line tool to show inferences that can be drawn from a file of
> triples.  I've used N3 rules for RDF and RDFS and parts of OWL.  I feel
> like there must be something more recent than CWM that will work in a
> generic Unix environment and either has the reasoning built in or can
> use SWRL rules.  Ideally it would also be easy for students to download,
> install and use for exploration and experiments.  Any suggestions?

have a look at Linked Data-Fu [1].  The system should be fairly easy
to set up and run from the command line.

Best regards,


Received on Monday, 3 October 2016 14:45:38 UTC