SPARQL for Web Forms. was: HTML Form to semantic web proposal

> On 27 Nov 2015, at 14:21, Martynas Jusevičius <> wrote:
> How would determine the datatypes of the values, or which values
> should be literals and which URIs? You can only do that in the WHERE
> clause (using BIND() for example), and it has to operate over an RDF
> graph. Or WHERE has to be empty as I suggested before.

IN SPARQL the query has to operate over a GRAPH, but this is meant to 
be a new language insipired and re-using as much of the work from SPARQL
as possible. Ideally one could take a few subsections of sparql and 
produce it.

You are right that one needs to find a way to deal with datatypes. 
I point out in a number of places in

It would have been easy if one had been able to just specify the
datatype in the CONSTRUCT.

@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix contact: <> .

[]  foaf:name ?name;
    foaf:age ?age^^xsd:integer;
            [ a contact:ContactLocation;
                contact:address [ contact:city ?city;
                                  contact:country ?country;
                                  contact:postalCode ?zip;
                                  contact:street ?street
                                ] .
} WITH ?name ?age ?city ?country ?zip ?street

So yes, this is just an initial proposal, it is not fully fleshed out,
and one needs to see if the IndieWeb Camp folks actually would even want
to play along. But as I spent a few hours on this, perhaps others may 
have other use cases for which they  would find such a tool useful.

> On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 3:17 PM,
> <> wrote:
>> On 27 Nov 2015, at 14:13, Martynas Jusevičius <> wrote:
>> Well then you need a canonical mapping from www-encoded data to RDF before
>> you query. CONSTRUCT could work on that, but it will not help you define it.
>> The only existing one I know is RDF/POST.
>> I don't agree that you need a canonical mapping from www-encoded data to
>> rdf.
>> You can think of the attribute values as the response-set of a missing
>> So you only actually need the CONSTRUCT part.
>> You do of course need the resource you are POSTing to, to return something
>> that
>> points to the transormation. This could be done with a Link header such as
>> 200 Ok
>> Link: <>; rel="urlencoded"
>> as explained in
>> On Fri, 27 Nov 2015 at 14:53,
>> <> wrote:
>>>> On 27 Nov 2015, at 11:17, Martynas Jusevičius <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Where did you find the CONSTRUCT ... WITH query form though?
>>> I just invented it, a quick first idea for people to get the gist.
>>> Clearly what would be needed would be also some way of having optional
>>> form attributes.
>>>> It could probably be just CONSTRUCT template with an empty WHERE {} on
>>>> which you apply the variable bindings.
>>> I don't think that would work. We are actually just doing a construct on
>>> an result set. The parameter values in the www-encoded POSTed content
>>> can be thought of as a result set.
>>>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 7:53 PM,
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> That requires people getting people making such forms to learn RDF,
>>>>> which if
>>>>> you
>>>>> read the types of answers to issue 11 linked below, or if you interact
>>>>> with
>>>>> IndieWeb folks,
>>>>> you'll understand is unlikely.  What is less unlikely is that the
>>>>> server
>>>>> provide a link
>>>>> to an interpretation. The interpretation can then be made machine
>>>>> readable
>>>>> in the way
>>>>> proposed.
>>>>> On 26 Nov 2015, at 18:47, Martynas Jusevičius <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Can't you reuse RDF/POST for that?
>>>>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2015 at 19:38,
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>  following a discussion with the IndieWeb folks on a pingback
>>>>>> protocol,
>>>>>> where we are trying to satisfy the constraints that the IndieWeb folks
>>>>>> live
>>>>>> by - which is very close to the first generation of the Web - and yet
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> want to work in a global web of data - the following requirement came
>>>>>> up: how can a resource make explicit its interpretation of web forms.
>>>>>> I write this up here:
>>>>>> Essentially this would not entail very much other than creating a Link
>>>>>> realation
>>>>>> that could point to something like a document that would contain a
>>>>>> mapping
>>>>>> that could look like this
>>>>>> [[
>>>>>> @prefix foaf: <>.
>>>>>> @prefix contact: <> .
>>>>>> CONSTRUCT {
>>>>>> []  foaf:name ?name;
>>>>>>   foaf:age ?age;
>>>>>>   contact:home
>>>>>>           [ a contact:ContactLocation;
>>>>>>               contact:address [ contact:city ?city;
>>>>>>                                 contact:country ?country;
>>>>>>                                 contact:postalCode ?zip;
>>>>>>                                 contact:street ?street
>>>>>>                               ] .
>>>>>> } WITH ?name ?age ?city ?country ?zip ?street
>>>>>> ]]
>>>>>> where ?name ?age ?city etc would be the values of the properties taken
>>>>>> from the
>>>>>> application/x-www-form-urlencoded content sent in a POST.
>>>>>> This should not be that much work to specify I suppose, especially for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> SPARQL knowledgeable folks.
>>>>>> Any feedback?
>>>>>>       Henry

Received on Friday, 27 November 2015 14:27:18 UTC