HTML Form to semantic web proposal


   following a discussion with the IndieWeb folks on a pingback protocol,
where we are trying to satisfy the constraints that the IndieWeb folks live
by - which is very close to the first generation of the Web - and yet who
want to work in a global web of data - the following requirement came
up: how can a resource make explicit its interpretation of web forms.

I write this up here:

Essentially this would not entail very much other than creating a Link realation
that could point to something like a document that would contain a mapping
that could look like this

@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix contact: <> .

[]  foaf:name ?name;
    foaf:age ?age;
            [ a contact:ContactLocation;
                contact:address [ contact:city ?city;
                                  contact:country ?country;
                                  contact:postalCode ?zip;
                                  contact:street ?street 
                                ] .
} WITH ?name ?age ?city ?country ?zip ?street

where ?name ?age ?city etc would be the values of the properties taken from the 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded content sent in a POST.

This should not be that much work to specify I suppose, especially for the SPARQL knowledgeable folks.

Any feedback?


Received on Thursday, 26 November 2015 18:31:02 UTC