Re: RDF Graphs

Thanks Antoine.

So "an RDF Graph is not a graph (in the usual mathematical sense)”.
Do we all agree on that?

But if it is, it is a "directed (edge-and-node-)labelled multigraph”, which is a much better description than "directed, labeled graph” from 


> On 27 Oct 2014, at 15:44, Antoine Zimmermann <> wrote:
> The abstract of RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax says:
> "RDF graphs are sets of subject-predicate-object triples, where the elements may be IRIs, blank nodes, or datatyped literals."
> The more formal definition is given in Section 3:
> "An RDF graph is a set of RDF triples."
> and:
> """
> An RDF triple consists of three components:
> - the subject, which is an IRI or a blank node
> - the predicate, which is an IRI
> - the object, which is an IRI, a literal or a blank node
> """
> So, in fact, an RDF Graph is not a graph (in the usual mathematical sense), but it can be mapped to a directed (edge-and-node-)labelled multigraph.
> In your exemple, G is the singleton {(rdfs:label,rdfs:label,"Label")}.
> --AZ.
> Le 27/10/2014 16:26, Hugh Glaser a écrit :
>> Everyone talks about RDF Graphs, and I have sort of puzzled over what an RDF Graph is - so I thought I would ask.
>> Sorry if you just need to point me at some W3C resource somewhere.
>> "This linking structure forms a directed, labeled graph, where the edges represent the named link between two resources, represented by the graph nodes. This graph view is the easiest possible mental model for RDF and is often used in easy-to-understand visual explanations.”
>> ( )
>> (I strongly agree with the second sentence, by the way!)
>> Simple Graphs are usually G = (V, E) comprising a set V of vertices together with a set E of edges, but that doesn’t seem to describe RDF Graphs for me.
>> The sort of thing that I am considering is an RDF Graph such as:
>> rdfs:label rdfs:label “Label” .
>> Is it G = ({rdfs:label, “Label”}, {(rdfs:label, “Label”)} with edge-labelling function (rdfs:label, “Label”) => rdfs:label ?
>> So we need to have both a vertex and an edge label with value rdfs:label, and they don’t really have a logical connection.
>> Sort of worrying?
>> Is that the sort of graph an RDF Graph is, and is that how it is formally defined?
>> Also, a "labeled graph” usually refers to the vertices being labelled; should it not say that RDF is a “directed, edge-labelled graph”?
>> Not exactly my forte this, so I am hoping I will be able to understand any answers!
>> Best
>> Hugh
> -- 
> Antoine Zimmermann
> ISCOD - Institut Henri Fayol
> École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
> 158 cours Fauriel
> CS 62362
> 42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
> France
> Tél:+33(0)4 77 42 66 03
> Fax:+33(0)4 77 42 66 66

Hugh Glaser
   20 Portchester Rise
   SO50 4QS
Mobile: +44 75 9533 4155, Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 16:29:04 UTC