Re: scientific publishing process (was Re: Cost and access)

Am 06.10.2014 19:42, schrieb Alexander Garcia Castro:

> in the age of the web of data why should I restrict my search just to 
> metadata? I want the full content, open access or not once I have the 
> document I should be able to mine the content of the document. I dont 
> want to limit my search just to simple metadata.

Frankly speaking, "in the age of the web of data" I believe we may still 
marvel at any (scientific) online publisher who manages to link from an 
HTML version of an article to an alternative version (PDF, RDF, ...) - 
and vice versa (!), using the HTML link element [1] or the HTTP link 
header field [2] respectively.

Once semantic linking on a (scientific) document level goes without 
saying, we might want to discuss the (scientific) data level.




Received on Tuesday, 7 October 2014 09:15:14 UTC