Re: Thesis Maxime Lefrançois - June 24th 2014 - "Meaning-Text Theory Lexical Semantic Knowledge Representation: Conceptualization, Representation, and Operationalization of Lexicographic Definitions"

Dear Maxime,

congratulations! All the best for your defense!

Best regards,


Am 16.06.2014 13:56, schrieb Maxime Lefrançois:
> I am pleased to announce the defence of my PhD thesis, “/Meaning-Text
> Theory Lexical Semantic Knowledge Representation: Conceptualization,
> Representation, and Operationalization of Lexicographic Definitions/”.
> The defence will take place on *Tuesday June 24th, at 2pm* in
> room *Euler Violet* at Inria Sophia Antipolis.
> Best regards,
> Maxime Lefrançois
> Attaché de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche, IUT Nice côte d'azur
> PhD Student Wimmics Team, Inria/I3S
> <>
> ---
> *Jury*: 
> DR. Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, /Université de Toulouse, IRIT, CNRS,
> Toulouse/, reviewer
> Pr. Igor Boguslavsky, /Universidad Politécnica de Madrid & Russian
> Academy of Sciences, Moscow/, reviewer
> Pr. Marie-Laure Mugnier, /Université Montpellier 2, LIRMM/Inria/, reviewer
> Pr. Andrea Tettamanzi, /Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis/, examiner
> *Advisor*: 
> DR. Fabien Gandon, /Inria Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée/
> *Co-Advisor*: 
> Pr. Christian Boitet, /Université Joseph Fourier, LIG, Grenoble/
> *Abstract:*
>     We present our research in applying knowledge engineering to
> linguistics. In particular, to linguistic predicates, linguistic
> representations, and lexicographic definitions of the Meaning-Text
> Theory (MTT). We adopt a three-step methodology.
>     We first study the MTT conceptualization, and show how it should
> be extended to ease its formalization. We therefore justify the need
> of defining a new deep semantic, graph-based, representation level for
> the Meaning-Text model. We define the notion of deep semantic unit
> types and its actantial structure: a set of signed obligatory,
> optional or forbidden actant slots with lexicalized semantic roles as
> labels. We show that their hierarchical organization may correspond to
> a hierarchy of meanings, inside which actantial structures are
> inherited and specialized. We re-conceptualize lexicographic
> definitions at the deep semantic level, and at the level of
> dictionaries. Finally, we present a definition editor prototype based
> on graph direct manipulation, which will allow us, in future work, to
> integrate our formal model into explanatory combinatorial
> lexicographic projects.
>     We then propose a knowledge representation formalism adapted for
> this conceptualization. We demonstrate that Description Logics and the
> Conceptual Graphs formalism do not fit our needs. This leads us to
> construct a new knowledge representation formalism: the Unit Graphs
> formalism.
> Finally, we operationalize the Unit Graphs formalism. We assign it a
> formal semantic model, which we create based on model theory and
> relational algebra. We then show that the reasoning decidability
> conditions match the intuitions that lexicographers have. We also
> provide an implementation using semantic web standards, which enable
> us to use existing architectures for sharing, interoperability, and
> knowledge querying over the web of lexical linked data.

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 15:38:58 UTC