A self-proof package to exchange, trust and collaborate

1.      I am a PhD student at a french university in Quebec.
My subject : A theoretical model of unified proofs exchangeable in a semantic analysis space like the Web. Natively a proof model carries meaning and intelligence within itself. It is a self-proof package to exchange, trust and collaborate).
Brief description : The representation of this proof is a conceptual mapping between two spatio-temporal video resources. One video is the capture of a prescriptive situation. The other is the capture of its solution.
The proof is built by an instrumented author whose intention is to disclose to members of his interpretative community, the relevance of his acts.
Can you tell me whether such a model already exists for the Semantic Web ? Can you put me in touch with a W3C group working on a similar topic or related topic please ?
Diane Gamache, Quebec


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