(unknown charset) 2nd CFP: FoIKS 2014, Bordeaux, France, March 3-7, 2014

                  2 n d   C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

                    Eighth International Symposium


             Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems

                           (FoIKS 2014)

                  Bordeaux, France -- March 3-7, 2014


The FoIKS symposia provide a biennial forum for presenting and discussing theoretical and applied research on information and knowledge systems. The goal is to bring together researchers with an interest in this subject, share research experiences, promote collaboration and identify new issues and directions for future research.

FoIKS 2014 solicits original contributions dealing with any foundational aspect of information and knowledge systems. This includes submissions that apply ideas, theories or methods from specific disciplines to information and knowledge systems. Examples of such disciplines are discrete mathematics, logic and algebra, model theory, information theory, complexity theory, algorithmics and computation, statistics and optimisation.

Previous FoIKS symposia were held in Kiel (Germany) in 2012, Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2010, Pisa (Italy) in 2008, Budapest (Hungary) in 2006, Vienna (Austria) in 2004, Schlo\ss\ Salzau near Kiel (Germany) in 2002, and Burg/Spreewald near Berlin (Germany) in 2000. FoIKS took up the tradition of the conference series Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems (MFDBS), which initiated East-West collaboration in the field of database theory. Former MFDBS conferences were held in Rostock (Germany) in 1991, Visegrad (Hungary) in 1989, and Dresden (Germany) in 1987.

The FoIKS symposia are a forum for intense discussions. Speakers will be given sufficient time to present their ideas and results within the larger context of their research. Furthermore, participants will be asked to prepare a first response to another contribution in order to initiate discussion.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Database Design: formal models, dependencies and independencies;
* Dynamics of Information: models of transactions, concurrency control, updates, consistency preservation, belief revision;
* Information Fusion: heterogeneity, views, schema dominance, multiple source information merging, reasoning under inconsistency;
* Integrity and Constraint Management: verification, validation, consistent query answering, information cleaning;
* Intelligent Agents: multi-agent systems, autonomous agents, foundations of software agents, cooperative agents, formal models of interactions, logical models of emotions;
* Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval: machine learning, data mining, formal concept analysis and association rules, text mining, information extraction;
* Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Planning: non-monotonic formalisms, probabilistic and non-probabilistic models of uncertainty, graphical models and independence, similarity-based reasoning, preference modeling and handling, argumentation systems;
* Logics in Databases and AI: classical and non-classical logics, logic programming, description logic, spatial and temporal logics, probability logic, fuzzy logic;
* Mathematical Foundations: discrete structures and algorithms, graphs, grammars, automata, abstract machines, finite model theory, information theory, coding theory, complexity theory, randomness;
* Security in Information and Knowledge Systems: identity theft, privacy, trust, intrusion detection, access control, inference control, secure Web services, secure Semantic Web, risk management;
* Semi-Structured Data and XML: data modelling, data processing, data compression, data exchange;
* Social Computing: collective intelligence and self-organizing knowledge, collaborative filtering, computational social choice, Boolean games, coalition formation, reputation systems;
* The Semantic Web and Knowledge Management: languages, ontologies, agents, adaptation, intelligent algorithms; and
* The WWW: models of Web databases, Web dynamics, Web services, Web transactions and negotiations.


The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science. After the symposium, authors of selected papers will be asked to prepare extended versions of their papers for publication in a special issue of the journal Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.


Papers must be typeset using the Springer LaTeX2e style llncs for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (see http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/Authors.html). The suggested number of pages is 16, and the maximum number of pages is 18. Submissions which deviate substantially from these guidelines may be rejected without review. Initial submissions must be in PDF format, but authors should keep in mind that the LaTeX2e source must be submitted for the final versions of accepted papers. Submissions in alternate formats, such as Microsoft Word, cannot be accepted for either initial or final versions. The submissions will be judged for scientific quality and for suitability as a basis for broader discussion. Submission is via EasyChair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=foiks2014.


Abstract submission deadline:  September 30, 2013 
Paper submission deadline:     October 06, 2013 
Author notification:           November 17, 2013
Camera-ready paper due:        December 10, 2013


Dov Gabbay     (King's College London, UK)
Cyril Gavoille (University of Bordeaux, France)
Jeff Wijsen    (University of Mons, Belgium)


Christoph Beierle (University of Hagen, Germany)
Carlo Meghini     (ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy)


Sofian Maabout     (LaBRI, Bordeaux, France)


Markus Kirchberg   (VISA Inc., Singapore)


José Júlio Alferes        Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Leila Amgoud              University of Toulouse, France
Peter Baumgartner         NICTA and The Australian National University
Salem Benferhat           University of Lens, France
Leopoldo Bertossi         Carleton University, Canada
Philippe Besnard          University of Toulouse, France
Joachim Biskup            University of Dortmund, Germany
Piero A. Bonatti          University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
Gerd Brewka               University of Leipzig, Germany
François Bry  	          LMU München, Germany
Andrea Calě               Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Jan Chomicki              University at Buffalo, USA
Marina De Vos             University of Bath, UK
Michael I. Dekhtyar       Tver State University, Russia
James P. Delgrande        Simon Fraser University, Canada
Tommaso Di Noia           Technical University of Bari, Italy
Jürgen Dix                Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Thomas Eiter              Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Ronald Fagin              IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, USA
Victor Felea              'Al.I. Cuza' University of Iasi, Romania
Flavio Ferrarotti         Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Sergio Flesca             University of Calabria, Italy
Lluis Godo                Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA - CSIC), Spain
Gianluigi Greco           University of Calabria, Italy
Claudio Gutierrez         University of Chile, Chile
Marc Gyssens              Hasselt University, Belgium
Sven Hartmann             Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Stephen J. Hegner         Umeĺ University, Sweden
Edward Hermann Haeusler   Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Brazil
Andreas Herzig            University of Toulouse, France
Pascal Hitzler            Wright State University, USA
Anthony Hunter            University College London, UK
Yasunori Ishihara         Osaka University, Japan
Gyula O. H. Katona        Alfréd Rényi Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Gabriele Kern-Isberner    University of Dortmund, Germany
Sébastien Konieczny       University of Lens, France
Gerhard Lakemeyer         RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Jérôme Lang               University of Paris 9, France
Mark Levene               Birkbeck University of London, UK
Sebastian Link            University of Auckland, New Zealand
Weiru Liu                 Queen's University Belfast, UK
Thomas Lukasiewicz        University of Oxford, UK
Carsten Lutz  	          University of Bremen, Germany
Sebastian Maneth          NICTA and University of New South Wales, Australia
Pierre Marquis            University of Artois, France
Wolfgang May              University of Göttingen, Germany
Thomas Meyer  	          CSIR Meraka & University of KwaZulu-Natal, ZA
Leora Morgenstern         New York University, USA
Amedeo Napoli             LORIA Nancy, France
Bernhard Nebel            University of Freiburg, Germany
Wilfred S. H. Ng          Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Henri Prade               University of Toulouse, France
Andrea Pugliese           University of Calabria, Italy
Sebastian Rudolph         University of Dresden, Germany
Attila Sali               Alfréd Rényi Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Francesco Scarcello       University of Calabria, Italy
Klaus-Dieter Schewe       Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Austria
Dietmar Seipel            University of Würzburg, Germany
Nematollaah Shiri         Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Gerardo I. Simari         University of Oxford, UK
Guillermo Ricardo Simari  Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina
Nicolas Spyratos          University of Paris-South, France
Umberto Straccia          ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy
Letizia Tanca             Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Bernhard Thalheim         University of Kiel, Germany
Alex Thomo                University of Victoria, Canada
Miroslaw Truszczynski     University of Kentucky, USA
José María Turull-Torres  Massey University Wellington, New Zealand
Dirk Van Gucht            Indiana University, USA
Victor Vianu              University of California San Diego, USA
Peter Vojtᨠ             Charles University, Czech Republic
Qing Wang                 Australian National University, Australia
Jef Wijsen                University of Mons-Hainaut, Belgium
Mary-Anne Williams        University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Stefan Woltran            Vienna University of Technology, Austria


For further information refer to the FoIKS 2014 web site at


Received on Wednesday, 18 September 2013 14:23:37 UTC