BigData Analytics: Fully funded Doctoral Researchers and/or PostDoc

Fully funded Doctoral Researchers and/or Postdoctoral Researcher positions @ Institute AIFB, KIT, Germany. Researchers are hired as scientific staff, for two years, with renewal possible.

Connected to an upcoming European research project, which aims at developing high-performance large-scale adaptive methods to enable pervasive modeling, monitoring, and predicting of events from sensors and social media, the researcher might be dedicated to:
* Semantic enrichment of data from sensors and different modalities
* Learning and inference in dynamic probabilistic models of object-relational graphs
* Large-scale distributed learning and anytime response algorithms

For detailed information concerning skills, application documents and the application procedure, see

Achim Rettinger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Received on Monday, 7 October 2013 16:17:27 UTC