Announce EulerGUI 2.0

HiI am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of EulerGUI, a development tool
and a framework for the Semantic Web and rules, under LGPL license, in Java
and Scala.

Even if you're not interested in the business rule aspect, EulerGUI is a *swiss
knife semantic client* .

One can type


to download the FOAF vocabulary, or use any prefix recorded in .

Then you can see the Turtle source in an editor with syntax coloring and
validation, open a tree view using Hermit Description Logics reasoner.

When you edit a new Turtle/N3 file, prefixes are automatically added from , plus you can generate a skeleton vocabulary from the current
triples in project.

EulerGUI has SPARQL queries, drag'n'drop, local cache, local Jena TDB
triple store, navigation from URI to URI, and other goodies.

The accent in this release is the new N3 file format for projects, that is
OWL (and Protégé) compatible. Here is an example:

@prefix : <>.
@prefix owl:  <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .

<> a owl:Ontology.

<> owl:imports <plants.n3> .
               <plants.n3> :isActivated false . # true by default

# the main N3 query
<> :hasN3Query <plants-q.n3> .
               <plants-q.n3> :isMainQuery true .

# Import of an RDF or OWL document
<> owl:imports <herbivores.owl> .

<> :subproject <subproject.n3p.n3> . # recommanded suffix .n3p.n3
<> :postProcessing <project-post.n3p.n3> . # only one postProcessing

The current developments for 2.1 are towards 100% Scala code,
modularization, quicker startup, and customizable domain applications.

 For a complete list of changes, the change log is here:


And the ever updated User Manual is here:

Jean-Marc Vanel
Déductions SARL - Consulting, services, training,
Rule-based programming, Semantic Web
+33 (0)6 89 16 29 52
Twitter: @jmvanel ; chat: irc://

Received on Monday, 25 November 2013 11:38:46 UTC