WWW’14 Workshop, Call for Papers: 4th Int’l. Workshop on Data Extraction and Object Search (DEOS’14)

DEOS 2014: Fourth Workshop on Data Extraction and Object Search (April 7)
in conjunction with WWW'14, April 7-11, Seoul, South Korea.

Important Dates
Paper submission: *Jan 7, 2014 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)*
Paper notification: *Feb 4, 2014*  
Paper camera-ready copy: *Feb 12, 2014* (hard deadline)
Workshop date: April 7, 2014

The Fourth International Workshop on “Data Extraction and Object Search” (DEOS 2014) will take place as a satellite event of WWW 2014 in Seoul, South Korea, on April 7th, 2014.  

Web data extraction is witnessing a renaissance. In an increasing number of applications such as price intelligence or predictive analytics, the value of data-driven approaches has been conclusively proven. However, the necessary data is often available only as HTML, e.g., in form of online shops of competitors that can serve as sources for pricing and offer data. DEOS is a regular forum for researchers and practitioners in data extraction and object search, to present and discuss ongoing work on data extraction and object search for products, events, reviews, and other types of structured data on the web.  

This is the fourth installation of DEOS, the first held in Como in 2010, the second in Vienna in 2011, the third in Oxford in 2013. The workshop is supported by the ERC DIADEM grant (http://diadem.cs.ox.ac.uk/) and the Oxford Martin school (http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/). There is a small amount of travel support available from the sponsors.

This installment of the workshop places a particular emphasis on benchmarking and effective evaluation measures for data extraction.  

The topics of interest include (but are not limited to):  
* Large-scale data extraction approaches capable of dealing with a large number of websites without per-site supervision.  
* Object identification and extraction approaches in domains such as products, events, reviews, forum posts, ...  
* Reducing and simplifying supervision in wrapper induction and the use of crowdsourcing.  
* Automatic crawling and exploration of web interfaces with a particular focus on highly-visual, scripted web applications.  
* Information extraction meets data extraction including approaches that integrate information extraction, e.g., from product titles, with data extraction for mutual verification of the data.  
* Automated data extraction approaches that identify wrappers fully automatically at high accuracy.  
* Integration and cleaning of extracted web data for object search including approaches or tools for deduplication (intra- and inter-site) and for reconciliation of conflicting attribute values.  
* Object search approaches and systems that provide a search interface to data extracted from the web.  
* Evaluation, benchmarking, and replicability in web data extraction and object search.


DEOS’14 welcomes the submission of theoretical, experimental, methodological as well as application papers. Benchmark papers are particularly encouraged and demonstration papers are also welcome.

Submitted papers should be 8 pages (4 pages for demo proposals, work in progress, or vision papers) maximum in length, including figures and references. The paper must be formatted as PDF according to style guidelines of ACM SIG Proceedings Template available here: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates.

All papers should be submitted online on the workshop submission website: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=deos14.

Further information is available at http://diadem.cs.ox.ac.uk/deos14/.

Tim Furche, University of Oxford, <tim@furche.net>  
Giorgio Orsi, University of Oxford, <giorgio.orsi@cs.ox.ac.uk>
Paolo Merialdo, Università Roma Tre, <merialdo@dia.uniroma3.it>  
Valter Crescenzi, Università Roma Tre, <crescenz@dia.uniroma3.it>  

Program Committee
Under construction

Received on Friday, 15 November 2013 15:30:27 UTC