Re: Deprecate in favour of /ns/rdf# ??

Hi Dan,

That's indeed a possible scenario but I see no need for merging RDF and
RDFS, and trigger big changes.

"Say W3C announces that rdfs and rdfs will "be considered equivalent to"
> the URI"
In fact, we can take a much more conservative approach:
* "" deprecated in favour of ""
* "" deprecated in favour of ""

With redirections and links. This would align RDF and RDFS with other
vocabularies such as PROV ( and let the W3C
provide a clean and consistent offer in terms of vocabularies: all of them
are under with specific sub-namespace for every

"heated debate during several ESWC 2014 linked data events on whether the
> new namespace should have used # or /"
Well, I see that point being debated since I started working on SemWeb
technologies and it does not seem it will ever really go away...
Furthermore, both RDF and RDFS use of # could already be debated and won't
be affected by the switch to a new namespace

"The WG charter MUST address the rdf:/rdfs: version handling issue"
So far, there is no much version handling done on vocabularies. Whatever
namespace is used just serves the most up to date version, precisely
because people don't want to rewrite their triples. I don't see why/how
changing the namespace would suddenly make version handling a MUST in all
the documents. (Not saying version handling is not relevant but I don't
think that's the point here)


On 2 December 2013 12:01, Dan Brickley <> wrote:

> On 2 December 2013 10:05, Christophe Guéret <
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> No surprise at the level of opposition to deprecating the namespaces
>>> (again, I point out in my defence that I raised it after someone asked
>>> me about it; as a stickler for persistence I'm happy with that outcome).
>> As we recently talked about it, it could be that Phil refers to me there
>> so feel free to blame me for the long mail thread ;-)
>> I fully agree with many of the points that forked out of the main
>> proposal, namely:
>> * Make it easier to find out if something is in rdf: or rdfs: (and
>> eventually why)
>> * Provide different serialisations
>> * Provide better multilingual support
>> This would make everyone's life easier. Now.
>> For the future I would still much advocate deprecating the old namespace
>> and start using the new one. If I could give only one motivation, it would
>> be that new vocabularies will be using the new namespace whereas the key
>> ones will still be using an old (and somewhat confusing) location. From the
>> outside this is not very consistent: several W3C vocabularies under
>> different locations with no clear common design pattern, usage of dates in
>> URI whereas most BP guides (rightly) say it is not a good idea, version of
>> the vocabularies different than what the URI suggest, ...
>> Furthermore, deprecating does not mean having to rewrite all the triples
>> that are out there, and all the hard-coded namespaces used in every
>> software. We can just set up redirects between the terms present in the old
>> namespace to the one in the new one with a note suggesting not to use the
>> old syntax any more. This may involve a bit more HTTP tips&tricks than just
>> serving an OWL file but I don't see any big technological difficulty there.
>> We can also keep this redirection until nobody uses the old namespaces any
>> more...
>> This will eventually happen as most of the RDF data out there is
>> automatically generated from some legacy formats. As the maintainers of
>> these datasets update their D2R/CSV2RDF/... scripts for using the new
>> namespaces the usage of the deprecated ones will progressively fade away.
>> Software also gets updated every now and then and new releases can safely
>> come with new parsing capabilities. There is only data and software that do
>> no see any update that will not switch to using the new namespaces... but
>> do we really want to build a Web of Data on outdated data and abandonware ?
>> Anyway, for the sake of clarity and end-user friendliness, I think we
>> should keep this deprecation idea in the air while starting to work on
>> content negotiation and multi-linguality
> I fear this would be a recipe for mild disaster. Let's sketch a timeline.
> Say W3C announces that rdfs and rdfs will "be considered equivalent to" the
> URI in December 2013.
> Maybe January 2014 someone writes a patch for librdf's raptor, such that
> it adds a mode to API and commandline of the Redland RDF parser suite such
> that they can emit triples with the new URI instead of the original URIs,
> or extra triples so we get both, "for maximum compatibility".
> February 2014 someone forks with a similar
> option, and also patches the SPARQL query engine to have option of silently
> turning queries that use rdf: or rdfs: prefixes to be querying the new URIs
> instead or as well. Dave Beckett says he'll wait to see if consensus
> settles down before deciding what to do with the raptor patch.
> March 2014, blog + twitter thread about whether it should also rewrite
> INSERT statements spills over
> into the Jena and Sesame mailing lists. No consensus there on exactly what
> changes ought to be proposed. Andy circulates url to his post in this
> thread.
> April 2014, proposals on this list advocating for update to the recently
> finalized RDFa 1.1 standard arguing that compliant RDFa parsers should
> preferentially emit triples using the new namespace not the old confusing
> ones, unless running in an explicit back-compatibility mode. W3C team
> response is that RDFa and RDF WGs have already successfully completed their
> chartered work, but that advocates for improvements should talk to their
> Advisory Committee representative about proposing a new Working Group to
> bring RDFa up to date here (or consider joining the Consortium if not
> already a member). A rough draft charter is for this is debated on the HTML
> WG lists, where it is suggested that the Microdata/RDF mapping document
> should also be updated as an essential part of this work, but that the RDFa
> Next Gen WG charter could also address the widespread desire for
> convergence between Microdata and RDFa.
> May 2014, heated debate during several ESWC 2014 linked data events on
> whether the new namespace should have used # or /, and whether
> should redirect with a 303 or 302 to
> /rdfcore#
> June 2014, W3C advisory committee panel session on convergence plans. W3C
> management state that it is important to address the needs of the RDF and
> data linking communities but that coordination with key HTML standards is
> critical, and that any new WG would need to carefully balance
> backwards-compatibility considerations. An Adobe panel speaker notes that
> several trillion bazillion JPEGs, PDFs etc contain embedded "classic"
> RDF/XML and that it would be counter-productive for W3C to take any steps
> that suggest these hard-to-update files are in any way invalid, e.g. by
> encouraging old rdf: and rdfs: URIs to be treated as deprecated in query
> languages and APIs. Another panelist suggests a Community Group to work on
> a unit test suite for SPARQL implementations that would capture this
> requirement. Lively discussion of relevance of SPARQL entailment regimes,
> OWL and RIF is deferred due to 'lunch or beers' as the panel session is
> overrunning its scheduled AC Meeting slot.
> July 2014, Linked Europe Data 2030 EU project announced. Deliverables
> include patches to Jena and Sesame to bring them up to date with new modern
> RDF data linking standards such as  Long
> email threads sprawling across several mailing lists ensure.
> August 2014, Email threads go quite for the northern hemispheric summer. A
> draft "minimal" SPARQL 2.0 charter is circulated for discussion, addressing
> "bugfixes and errata, RDF/S namespace versioning update and possible
> convergence paths with XQuery. Also possibly a spec for extension functions
> in a secure Javascript subset, if other work completes early. Chartered
> deliverables include "RDF/S Namespace Versioning mechanism - Use Cases and
> Requirements.". The WG charter MUST address the rdf:/rdfs: version handling
> issue, and MAY address OWL and 3rd party namespace aliasing at the
> discretion of the chair and staff contacts". The charter generates
> suprisingly little discussion - perhaps due to the time of year.
> September 2014, W3C announces "Beyond Maintenance Mode: rethinking RDF
> usability for 2030 and beyond" Workshop to be held in December 2014, hosted
> by Linked Europe Data 2030 project, workshop chairs include representatives
> from Adobe, Jena, Sesame projects.
> October 2014, RDFLib github repo merges a patch for partial
>  support in its Turtle, RDF/XML and N3
> parsers: debate in IRC, Twitter, github and email on whether bulk data
> imports from the 3rd party Trig parser, or direct via API, should also be
> canonicalized to use the new namespace, or whether this is even really
> needed. Someone back-ports the initial RDFLib patch to work with earlier
> versions, asks on mailing list how to make it available via easy_install.
> November 2014, list thread in which we're reminded
> that everything in /TR/ ought also to be updated so as to bring the
> usability of W3C's RDF-related documentation into a more modern state.
> Discussion flows as to whether a hypothetical Community Group to
> 'coordinate' this work ought to also consider Oasis and IETF
> specifications. Somehow triggers a crossposted thread on Mozilla lists "did
> we remove all the RDF/XML stuff yet?".
> December 2014, someone circulates some rules in N3 that show what a
> trivial problem this would be if only tools supported basic semantic Web
> meshup ideas. Heated discussion ensues.
> ... etc. </FICTION>
> Just to emphasize, this is all so obviously fictional. There's no way we'd
> get this much work done in 12 months.
> If anyone thinks a more positive timeline is possible, do please sketch
> one...
> Dan

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Received on Monday, 2 December 2013 11:34:08 UTC