Re: Turtle test suite finalized

Dear Eric,

Glad to hear that the Turtle test suite is finalized
and it is really good to see all the nice work!

It was Ruben who suggested to submit the results for
the EYE reasoner and he did the nice job of generating
the EARL report:

Kind regards,

Jos De Roo | Agfa HealthCare
Senior Researcher | HE/Advanced Clinical Applications Research

Agfa HealthCare NV, Moutstraat 100, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

-----"Eric Prud'hommeaux" <> wrote: -----
From: Eric Prud'hommeaux 
Sent by: "Eric Prud'hommeaux" 
Date: 08/10/2013 08:57AM
Subject: Turtle test suite finalized

Please re-submit implementations reports for Turtle so you can
  1. Help us push Turtle to final Recommendation status.
  2. Raise public awareness of your implementation.
The tests are listed in a manifest.ttl file at

Reports are in a language called EARL and should look like [[
  @prefix doap: <>.
  @prefix earl: <>.
  @prefix foaf: <>.
  @prefix test: <>.
  @prefix dct: <>.
  @prefix xsd: <>.
  @prefix t: <>.
  <> foaf:primaryTopic <@@my program> ;
  	dct:issued "@@datetime"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  	foaf:maker <@@your foaf page> .
  <@@my program>
  	a doap:Project ;
  	doap:name "SWObjects" ;
  	doap:homepage <> .
  <@@your foaf page> a foaf:Person ;
  	foaf:name "@@your name" ;
  	foaf:mbox <mailto:@@your email> ;
  	foaf:homepage <@@your homepage> .
followed by an EARL assertion for each test, a la [[
  [] a earl:Assertion ; earl:test t:IRI_subject ; earl:subject <@@my program> ; earl:assertedBy test: ; earl:result [ earl:outcome earl:@@passed/failed; dct:date '@@datetime'^^xsd:dateTime ] .
]] Please see
for an example.

The CR comments wiki page has a list of currently submitted
implementations, but those will need to be re-run with this final
version of the tests.


Received on Saturday, 10 August 2013 12:49:14 UTC