Re: Socio technical/Qualitative metrics for LD Benchmarks

First of all thanks for the affection Leo :) it really comes trough

> First
> my BIASED OPINION on the discussion:
> money spent on a technology is a good benchmark,
> and revenue created/costs saved.
> Example: This has worked for the cloud computing industry so far arguing
> large datacenters VS your server in your attic
> Trying to evaluate enterprise or large-scale technology as semantic web
> is on "sociological grounds" is hard to do scientifically correct and
> the resulting report may also be useful only for a very limited audience.

i guess "how willing are enterprises to spend money on this" at very
large is indeed a kind of societal test "is it providing ROI for the
enterprises in our society"..
great thing to measure as part of the larger effort if possible by the

> I don't know the background and havent looked at the project, but this
> one here caught my eye:
> - "complexly structured data management systems" - is as generic as it
> can get, nobody will be able to do this in quality or reuse the results
> - "linked data benchmark council" - anyone doing linked data
> commercially of for public needs  (, data.gv,
>, ...) will read a report on that topic

we truly need a better term than "linked data" or a shared initiative
to define it as the right term getting it clear from old definitions
and arbitrary, unbacked "principles"

Data that RDF is good at is the data that is "complexly structured" ..
hard to deny. it is Knowledge Representation.

>>* HOWEVER by demanding that the ability to solve a real world PROBLEM
>>is benchmarked vs benchmarking something starting from triples and the
>>assumption that it has to be a graph the usefullness of the outcome
>>would be greaty enhanced.
> Gio, that argument is lost somewhere on the way, I don't get it. Your
> sentence makes no sense, it does not parse somehow. What did you really
> mean?


I mean that one way to get these benchmark to be much more useful and
reach a wider audience is not look at the finger but instead at the

to say "i have a DB of 100 fake triples how fast can i do these many
joins" is looking at the finger
to say "i have a real world dataset (freebase, chembl whatever) i have
to know how many entities type X have this and that property" is
looking at the actual problem to solve.

one can get the real world dataset (that will almost never be in RDF
natively) port it to RDF and do a sparql query. (cost=cost of porting
to RDF, all the queries will run, probably slow)

OR one can create a schema or one can convert them to JSON and convert
into mongo. (cost = cost of porting to Mongo,  but certain queries
might not really run, others might be faster)

i would love to see benchmarks that assum that there are many ways to
handle structured information and show that RDF is indeed the best in
some cases (while others are not)

> I have experienced many CIOs and CTOs benchmarking the technology I
> offer them by
> * cost reduction
> * time savings
> * opportunity costs
> * cost of alternative solutions
> * time of implementation
> * TCO
> * ROI
> So benchmarking something for the ability to benchmark it against
> something that could solve triple benchmark problems is not something a
> decision maker who is confronted with the choice of "to LOD or not" will
> want to think about.

i am not sure i understand you here. All those things that you
mentioned fall into the categories of broader and more real world
tests than simply measuring edges numbers and queries/s . So i guess
you'd agree that seeing these aspects measured would also be very very
useful in driving adoption in industry.

.. BUT.. :) its not our project or at least we're not part of it. so
it really really really boils down to that consortium decisions


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 15:50:20 UTC