Last call for ProvBench (Provenance Benchmark Challenge) @ BigProv'13

Sorry for cross-posting.

ProvBench, Provenance Benchmark Challenge, co-located at BigProv'13 (The 
International Workshop on Managing and Querying Provenance Data at Scale)

Final Call for Expression of Interest

Important Dates

- November  22, 2012 (Extended): Expression of interest (for access 
request to controlled submission areas)
- December   1, 2012: Deadline for submission of extended abstract (2 
page descriptions)
- January   23, 2013: Close submission to ProvBench@BigProv'13
- March     22, 2013: Presentation of the First Bench result

Link for Submission
- Expression of interest: email provbench-admin at googlegroups dot com 
to request access to the submission repository
- for submission of provenance 
traces and extended abstract

Where:  Genova, Italy
Collocated with the International Workshop on Managing and Querying 
Provenance Data at Scale (BigProv'13), held in conjunction with 

Benchmark web site:


The goal of this first ProvBench event is to start the collection 
provenance traces that are publicly accessible and can be used for 
benchmarking experiments in the near future. Definition of benchmarking 
metrics and criteria for a benchmark suite will emerge in the future series.

The submission will be shared on the ProvBench web site along with some 
descriptive metrics and will be the basis of the subsequent steps of the 
benchmarking exercise (query, analysis etc.).


Submission will take place at two stages:

1) Submission of expression of Interest
2) Submission of extended abstract and provenance traces

By November 15, 2012 please email provbench-admin at googlegroups dot 
com for your expression of interest and request for your access to the 
Github repository (for submitting provenance traces and abstract).

All submissions to the BigProv'13 workshop are strongly encouraged to 
submit their provenance traces to ProvBench. Submissions can also opt to 
make their traces available in an alternative public online space, but 
they must be open accessible. All submissions without open accessible 
provenance traces will be rejected.

We encourage the use of the W3C Prov model, but authors can use any 
provenance model of their choice.

The extended abstract should be formatted using the ACM Proceedings 
format and will be reviewed by the ProvBench organisation and steering 
committee. Accepted submissions will be included in the official EDBT 
workshop proceedings, along with the proceedings of the BigProv'13. Each 
submission should be less than 2 pages and should contain the following 

- Summary of submission: including information about the provenance 
traces generated in the format of the following table (see also the 
readme.txt, mentioned above). Please see the metrics specified at
- Experience statement: summarising the experience of the authors in 
generating such traces,
- Application: describing the applications that the authors anticipate 
will benefit from such traces,
- Possible provenance queries: listing in English the possible 
provenance queries that can be executed against their provenance 
- Coverage of PROV starting-point concepts/properties, see metrics 
specified at

Each submission will be allocated a team folder in the Github 
- Provenance traces can be submitted in the form of a folder or a zipped 
file to the team folder, along with the extended abstract.
- If provenance traces are made open accessible in other public space, 
only the extended abstract needs to be submitted to the Github repository.

We provide a template readme.txt file (to be found on the ProvBench web 
site) that can be used to specify license and ownership of the traces, 
as well as information about the authors, the date in which each 
provenance trace was produced/submitted, the tool(s) used for their 
generation, the link to the provenance traces (if not in the Github 
repository), and among other things.


For the first series of ProvBench we would like to open submissions to a 
broad range of audience who would be interested in creating a first-ever 
community-based provenance corpus for benchmarking and for bootstrapping 
provenance-based research and applications. Anyone is invited to 
contribute, be a content provider or a technologist. A content provider 
can be the owner of a web site or a blog, scientists or data providers 
of a dataset of any structured format, being relational, RDF, XML, RDFa, 
tab-delimited or others. A technologist can be a developer of a 
provenance publication application or plug-in, an administrator of a web 
site, or computer scientists who are interested in provenance-related 
research or applications, or just generally enthusiastic about provenance.


Each submission group can give a 5-10 minutes talk at the ProvBench 
session at BigProv'13. Teams who cannot make the trip can be represented 
by the organisers. A summary of the submission will also be presented in 
the BigProv workshop.

The provenance traces will be advertised in the ProvBench website as 
well as in other communication channels.


* Khalid Belhajjame, University of Manchester, UK
* Jun Zhao, University of Oxford, UK
* Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, iSOCO, Spain
* Satya Sahoo, Case Western Reserve University, USA


* Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
* Bertram Ludaescher, UC Davis, CA

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 21:05:43 UTC