Linked Data and Services are not going to work [CfP ESWC]

Hi there!

Linked Data and Services are never going to work together… or are they?
Your opinion is highly valued at the LAPIS workshop during the Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2012 (May 27).

Both regular (8 pages) and vision papers (4 pages) are welcome before March 9th.
Also, if you have a wild idea (1 paragraph) or a discussion starter (1 paragraph), do not hesitate to submit!

- Why?       The Web has changed: services become resource-oriented APIs. We must react now.
- Goal?      Exploring the opportunities resource-oriented APIs offer, especially in combination with links.
- For whom?  Motivated researchers from the REST, Semantic Web, and Linked Data communities.
- What?      A truly interactive workshop, driven by constructive discussion and dialog.
- Format?    An inspiring day. Morning: talks and dialog. Afternoon: brainstorm and discussion

Find out more at

Best regards,

the LAPIS organizing committee

PS Not sure if you have time for a paper?
   Write down a wild idea or discussion starter in one paragraph and submit!

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2012 09:33:18 UTC