Re: OWL equivalentClass question

Hi Nathan!

In the context of datatypes and data ranges, the term 
"owl:equivalentClass" is used in the RDF syntax of OWL 2 for stating 
datatype definitions; see [1] for the specification of datatype 
definitions, and Table 16 in [2] for the reverse RDF mapping from the 
RDF encodings of datatype definitions to their OWL 2 functional syntax 

Further, from that same table entry, you can see that the RDF encoding 
of datatype definitions must use a blank node (as in your first 
example), the mapping isn't defined for URIs (as in your second example).

Hence, only the first of your two examples is syntactically valid in OWL 
2 DL, and its meaning is, as you certainly intended, to define a name 
(URI) for the given data range.

[2] <>


Am 13.07.2012 14:17, schrieb Nathan:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking to define a few Datatype's, and wondered why
> owl:equivalentClass is used for all complex types in the
> primer/documentation.
> For example what's the difference between:
> :personAge  owl:equivalentClass
>    [ rdf:type  rdfs:Datatype;
>      owl:onDatatype  xsd:integer;
>      owl:withRestrictions (
>       [ xsd:minInclusive  "0"^^xsd:integer ]
>       [ xsd:maxInclusive  "150"^^xsd:integer ]
>      )
>    ] .
> and:
> :personAge rdf:type  rdfs:Datatype;
>    owl:onDatatype  xsd:integer;
>    owl:withRestrictions (
>     [ xsd:minInclusive  "0"^^xsd:integer ]
>     [ xsd:maxInclusive  "150"^^xsd:integer ]
>    ) .
> Is the second example valid, any reasons not to do it, what am I missing
> here?
> TIA,
> Nathan

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
Research Scientist, IPE / WIM

FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
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Tel.: +49 721 9654-726
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Received on Friday, 13 July 2012 12:44:20 UTC