MobiWis 2013: Last Call for Workshop Proposals

                               MobiWIS 2013

   The 10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems

                 Coral Beach Conference Hotel and Resort
                    Paphos, Cyprus, August 26-28, 2013


                 *** LAST CALL FOR WORKSHOP PROPOSALS ***

                   *** DEADLINE: December 20, 2013 ***

The main objective of the MobiWIS workshops is to provide a forum to
discuss specific topics related to mobile web information systems, also
offering to researchers and professionals a good opportunity to present
their work in a more focused way than the conference itself, and to
obtain feedback from an interested community. Proposal for workshops
on emerging topics with an evident attitude to generate significant
interest in the MobiWIS community are highly encouraged.


All papers accepted for presentation at workshops will be included in a
volume published by the CCIS Springer series, indexed in DBLP,
Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago,
and Scopus, and also submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings.


Researchers interested to submit a workshop proposal to the organizing
committee should send the intended workshop aims, format and
organizers following this format:

- Title of the workshop - Workshop duration (half day/one day).

- Names and affiliations of organizers, plus a one-paragraph
biographical sketch for each organizer, describing relevant
qualifications and experience.

- Workshop rationale and scope - Prior history of the workshop, if any,
including number of submissions, number of accepted papers, and
number of attendees.

- Short description of the plan for publicizing the workshop.

- Draft of the workshop call for paper.

- Tentative list of the PC members.

- Workshop Website: tentative address, or address of previous edition
  (if applicable).

- Short description of any post-workshop activities (e.g., organizing a
journal special issue)


Workshop proposals should be sent by email to the Workshop chairs:
- Maristella Matera (
- Gustavo Rossi (

*DEADLINE for submitting proposals*: December 20 2012.

Please, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop chairs for any further

Received on Saturday, 1 December 2012 12:31:24 UTC