What are the repetitive bits you do?

I'm trying to bypass the boring bits I have to do with information,
make tools that take away the tedious stuff, for my own benefit.

When it gets really annoying is pulling bits from the web of data on
the command line: cURL or wget, that kind of thing, then saving it to
file, then sucking it into a triplestore, only then being able to
play. I reckon the idea of having a little language like  Unix/Posix
in its pipes, but doing stuff like SPARQL 1.1, the graph stuff. Andy
Seaborne has done a nice set of things around Jena/Fuseki,
command-line scripts that Just Work, implementing SPARQL 1.1 bits. I
should be happy with those, but I also want to be able to do a PUT of
HTML too, rubbish like that.

What I want to ask is what you find yourself doing a lot, stuff that
could maybe be wrapped into a couple of key presses.



Received on Monday, 12 September 2011 01:47:16 UTC