Web NDL Authorities from National Diet Library of Japan

Dear all,

National Diet Library of Japan just launched the Web NDL Authorities
Service [1], which provides name authorities and subject headings as
Linked Data.

It offers about a million authority records as 15M RDF triples. Each
record is described with such vocabularies as SKOS, SKOS-XL, DC and
RDA Elements G2. Records are linked to LCSH, VIAF etc. with SKOS
mapping properties where applicable.

The service delivers HTML, RDF/XML or Turtle representation depending
on the request's accept header, or explicit extension (.html, .rdf,
.ttl respectively). For example, a Turtle description of Natsume
Soseki will be obtained from [2]. It also provides a SPARQL endpoint

Name authority records have corresponding entity URIs in order to
distinguish creators (person/organizations) from their descriptions
(authority records).

Subject heading records are the successor of Web NDLSH, with the
identical URIs as previous service.

Although the service has only Japanese UI, almost all records have
English transcription so that you can search names/headings by English

best wishes,

[1] http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla/
[2] http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/00054222.ttl
[3] http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndla/sparql/ (endpoint URI is the same as
[1]. this is an introduction page)

@prefix : <http://www.kanzaki.com/ns/sig#> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email "mkanzaki@gmail.com"].

Received on Thursday, 7 July 2011 00:43:45 UTC