Re: LOD Cloud Cache Stats

> I am demonstrating and talking about what Virtuoso infrastructure enables..

You're talking about it, and you're *trying* to demonstrate it. But your
demonstrations are consistently undermined by other factors you consider

Nonsense. See,
> Again, I've discussed these matters with Jeff and this is not about perfect
> numbers.

"Perfect" is hardly the issue here. I encourage people to read the paper.

which summarizes itself like this: "This article suggests that the single
> most fundamental capability required to make a sensemaking system is the
> system’s ability to recognise when multiple references to the same entity
> (often from different source systems) are in fact the same entity." dbpedia
> as a dataset fails this test badly.
> And how on earth does that have anything to do with Counting?

I encourage *you* to read the paper, too.

 Not sure what you mean by "exhibit" here. Your queries timeout, so unless
>> the needle happens to be in the first page of the haystack, you're not going
>> to find it.
>>  No they don't and that's where we just will not connect. You've already
>> seen our browser pages that do just that, and your next response will
>> ultimately take us back to arguing about page aesthetics.
>  Sorry, I can't follow this response. By "no they don't" do you mean that
> your queries *don't* timeout? They certainly do when I try them.
> You can actually issue SPARQL with timeouts. Do you not remember the
> conversation about partial aggregates in ad-hoc queries using SPARQL or SQL?
> That's what I am talking about. What we call "Anytime Query" [1] as a
> critical technique for ad-hoc queries at infinite scale [2].

And as I've said before, this is an impressive technical accomplishment. But
it's not always helpful for people. If I have to page through 20 straws of
hay at a time, that's not what I mean by searching the haystack.

> The folks on this mailing list understand why RPIs dataset is loaded to the
> LOD cloud and what it means.

Perhaps so. Somebody want to describe the practical use they're making of
this data?

Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 01:30:35 UTC