recyclable for RDFa basic templates/authoring UI..?

While googling for something completely unrelated I ran across a
lightning slideset [1] of my own from ages ago which contains a couple
of things that might be worth revisiting now we have RDFa. I'm sure
there are plenty of folks working on RDFa editors, and I suspect
there's a sweetspot between ease of use and Web of Data utility and
not far away from this. So I thought I might as well chuck this stuff
back out there again.

I was trying to bring the document outline tree structure into
semwebland with the aid of a simple vocab and some XHTML, Javascript &
XSLT for use with in-browser editing (see "related resources" from
[1]). The vocab includes properties to answer the following questions:

* Who? ==> Agent
* What? ==> Object
* Why? ==> Cause
* When? ==> Time
* Where? ==> Location
* How? ==> Process

While I invented a vocab for the purpose, there's almost certainly
better term coverage in now-established vocabs. Not all the properties
are likey to be used as often (e.g. How? is a bit of a stretch), in
fact prior to this somewhere I believe Libby made a very similar but
smaller vocab with the same kind of intention - just get the basic
facts about something down.




Received on Monday, 6 September 2010 11:27:01 UTC