Re: Are literals owl:Things?

> Jeremy,
> Consider the question:
> << Is "42"^^xsd:integer an xsd:decimal? >>
> What would be your answer to this question?  I think it could be:
>  1) with a proof-theoretic perspective, it's a syntax error, it's 
> impossible to infer:
>  "42"^^xsd:integer rdf:type xsd:decimal .
> because it's not part of the language;  or it could be:

I would actually say " I think you mean

_:x owl:sameAs "42"^^xsd:integer .
_:x rdf:type  xsd:decimal .

But that is overly OWL Full, I am not sure how to  ask that question in 
DL, but there are many DL queries whose result depends on it.
So it is not a theological question, but is in fact practical. The 
question in the subject line is not a practical question.


Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 16:38:52 UTC