CfP: IUI 2011 Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems

                            2nd IUI Workshop on
       Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS 2011)

                 February 13, 2011, Palo Alto, CA, USA

              Abstract submission deadline: November 19, 2010
           Proceedings will be published electronically (CEUR-WS)


Semantic technologies and, in particular, ontologies as formal, shareable
representations of a domain of interest play an increasingly important role
also for the design, development, and execution of user interfaces and more
generally interactive systems. Semantic models can serve a number of
different purposes in this context. They can be used as application or
interface models in model-driven design, generation at design time as well
as at runtime, and integration of user interfaces. Ontologies may enhance
the visualization and interaction capabilities of user interfaces in various
ways, e.g., by providing input assistance, intelligently clustering
information, or adapting the user interface according to the user'Äôs

Especially in the latter case, ontologies can be applied for representing
the various kinds of context information for context-aware and adaptive
systems. In particular, they have promised to provide a technique for
representing external physical context factors such as location, time or
technical parameters and 'Äòinternal'Äô context such as user interest
profiles or interaction context in a consistent, generalized manner. Owing
to these properties, semantic models can also contribute to bridging gaps,
e.g., between user models, context-aware interfaces and model-driven UI

There is, therefore, a considerable potential for using semantic models as a
basis for adaptive interactive systems. The range of potential adaptations
is wide comprising, for example, context- and user-dependent
recommendations, interactive assistance when performing application-specific
tasks, adaptation of the application functionality, or adaptive retrieval
support. Furthermore, a variety of reasoning and machine learning techniques
exist, that can be employed to achieve adaptive system behavior.


Following up the succesfull 1st SEMAIS workshop at IUI 2010, the workshop
will address, among others, the following research issues:
- Improve UI quality by using semantic models.
- Representing user models, systems and their behavior, domain knowledge and
interaction context by means of semantic models.
- Cognitively or neurally founded reasoning techniques such as activation
spreading for semantic user models.
- Context-aware interaction based on semantic models.
- Adaptation strategies and techniques based on semantic models for e.g.
recommender systems, adaptive retrieval, collaboration support systems and
- Generating explanations or visualizations to increase user confidence and
support traceability.
- Scalability and performance of semantic model-based interactive systems.
- Semantic model-driven UI development.
- Generation and evolution of semantic models for interactive systems.
- Suitability of highly formal vs. light-weight semantic representations.
- Consuming linked data in user interfaces.
- Bringing ontologies together with current UI modeling languages, such as
- Evaluation approaches for adaptive interaction.


Prospective participants should submit a 2-page position paper describing
their interests and work in the topic of the workshop. First comments on
(one or more of) the following topics we intend to discuss at the workshop
are also welcome, but not mandatory (additional questions are also welcome):
- What are the major challenges (technical, organizational etc.) for
developing or generating user interfaces based on semantic models?
- For which kinds of systems or applications are semantic models
particularly useful?
- In which ways will semantic technologies affect user interfaces in the
- What kinds of context-adaptivity do you see as particularly promising?
- How can adaptive model driven user interfaces be evaluated?

We will select participants based on the abstract's quality and the
diversity of their backgrounds, aiming at an interdisciplinary group. The
selected presenters will be asked to provide an extended 5-page position
paper one month before the workshop. These position papers will be
circulated in advance for participants to get an understanding of the mutual
views and to provide a starting point for the discussion.

Accepted submissions will be published electronically via CEUR-WS. Please
submit your contributions in PDF format to<>.


Submission deadline: November 19, 2010
Notification of acceptance: November 26, 2010
Revised, formatted document due: December 22, 2010
Workshop date: February 13, 2011


Tim Hussein (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Stephan Lukosch (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Heiko Paulheim (SAP Research Center Darmstadt, Germany)
Juergen Ziegler (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Gaëlle Calvary (University of Grenoble, France)

Workshop Homepage:


Heiko Paulheim
Research Associate
SAP Research Center Darmstadt
Bleichstraße 8
64283 Darmstadt, Germany
T       +49/6227/7-68850
F       +49/6227/78-52152
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Received on Friday, 8 October 2010 07:54:35 UTC