Re: RDF to CSV

vasavi kamdar wrote:
> Hi,
> Can any one please help me with converting an RDF file to CSV
> Thanks and Regards,
> Vasavi Kamdar
> The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do...

You sent this to me direct before sending to the swig list, so here's what I
put in my mail, for others.

There are some pointers at

and I hear is pretty good

although I haven't used any of them

Of course if you want to just do a conversion, you'll need to clearly think
what goal you want to achieve.  Turning a graph into a table (CSV) is more
like running a query to the graph and getting back a sequence of results so
you might want to use SPARQL for that.


Received on Monday, 25 January 2010 04:34:52 UTC