Unicode Character Database in RDF?

Hi all, does anyone know if there is a preexisting version of the
Unicode Character Database in RDF format? More importantly is there an
IRI for it - for my purposes I plan on programmaticly generating
triples at runtime from the UCD information (such as character type,
name etc) as needed so I can refer to them in my rules. But it would
be nice if there was an official IRI instead of having to use
owl:sameAs down the track.

I'm thinking something like
<http://www.unicode.org/rdf/6.1.0/codepoint#0001> would be nice if
they were on board. But I would settle for any established domain...
<http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/unicode/6.1.0#0001> perhaps?

 cheers, Shane

Received on Sunday, 26 December 2010 23:01:02 UTC