Re: a list of companies active in the semantic technology area

Would FOAF be the right choice to describe them?

At 17:07 21.12.2010, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>Good stuff.
>But I am sitting here waiting for Martin Hepp to tell us that the 
>Good Relations stuff is the way these businesses should be 
>publicising themselves.
>It is disappointing that in this field of all, we should be 
>gathering such stuff together, either by hand, or in a Semantic Wiki.
>At the worst, it should be possible for this harvester to gather 
>this information by being given RDF from the root web page.
>I tried doing the usual curl -i -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" on 
>quite a few of them (the most obvious ones), and fundamentally got 
>200 plus a bunch of pure html.
>With one exception, which gave me RDFa as well.
>Pretty sad, I would say, if all we can do is gather this into a web 
>page, and then start thinking about doing something else - surely 
>our society and technology is better than that!
>On 21 Dec 2010, at 12:12, Riccardo Tasso wrote:
>Why don't we use a semantic wiki?
>There are interesting properties to understand, such as the place 
>where the company resides, the years of foundation and so on...
>     Riccardo
>On 20/12/2010 23:06, Michael F Uschold wrote:
>This is a fabulous idea.  There is at least on major shortcoming: 
>you forgot to include the company I work for (Semantic 
>Arts<> :-)).  I'll make sure you get an entry from us.
>Seriously, I'm delighted to see this happen.  I do wonder how you 
>may attempt to draw the line that defines "semantic 
>technology".  There will always be grayness. If it is too broad, the 
>usefulness of this list could decrease. That could be ameliorated by 
>a rich set of semantic technology categories, so a person could 
>focus on a particular technology are, or ignore other ones. I.e one 
>facet could be 'type of technology" which could include
>   1.  NLP, with sub-categories including sentiment analysis
>   2.  Triple stores
>   3.  Latent-semantic technology
>   4.  etc...
>I look forward to seeing this in the linked data cloud!
>On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Dieter Fensel 
><<>> wrote:
>Dear all,
>we started to collect a list of companies active in the semantic 
>technology area.
>A first draft is at
>Obviously this list is biased and severely incomplete. Also one may want
>to add more details on the specifics of the mentioned companies. Here is
>were I ask your help. Could you please post me (or to the list if you
>think it is of immediate general interest) any information on 
>missing companies
>or important details on the ones listed. Also if you know similar initiatives
>please drop me a note. So please apologize for the lack of completeness but it
>is an invitation to jointly improve this list.
>In the long term we want to establish a repository of semantic technology
>vendors. Obviously we plan more advanced interaction and semantics
>for future versions of this web site. For the moment, it is only the data
>that matter. If you want to cooperate on the repository aspect
>you are more than welcome to contact me, too. Yes, we may want
>to "eat our own dog food" no matter how many (definitely being different)
>dogs we have.
>Thank you for your help,
>Dieter Fensel
>Director STI Innsbruck
>University Innsbruck
>phone: +43-512-507-6488/5
>fax: +43-512-507-9872
>Michael Uschold, PhD
>    Senior Ontology Consultant, Semantic Arts
>    LinkedIn:
>    Skype: UscholdM
>Hugh Glaser,
>               Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia
>               School of Electronics and Computer Science,
>               University of Southampton,
>               Southampton SO17 1BJ
>Work: +44 23 8059 3670, Fax: +44 23 8059 3045
>Mobile: +44 78 9422 3822, Home: +44 23 8061 5652

Dieter Fensel
Director STI Innsbruck
University Innsbruck
phone: +43-512-507-6488/5
fax: +43-512-507-9872

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2010 16:29:53 UTC