RE: The Two Dogs Problem

Hi Melvin and Sampo!

Sampo Syreeni wrote:

>On 2010-12-17, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> Since RDF is a set, the duplicate triple is disgarded.  So Alice still
>> is described as owning one dog.
>Alice owns _1: which is a dog, alice owns _2: which is a dog, which are
>not necessarily the same unless by some other logic we can conflate

One has to distinguish between the syntactic and the semantic situation.

Syntactically, the graph

  G1 := {
    :alice :owns _:x1 . _:x1 rdf:type :Dog . 
    :alice :owns _:x2 . _:x2 rdf:type :Dog .

consists of four pair-wise different RDF triples, i.e. it is a set of size
4. On the other hand, the graph

  G2 := {
    :alice :owns _:x1 . _:x1 rdf:type :Dog .

is only a set of size 2, and therefore /syntactically/ different from G1 or,
more precisely, there is no RDF graph isomorphism modulo blank nodes between
G1 and G2.

Semantically, however, under all of the semantics of RDF(S), OWL 2 Full and
OWL 2 DL, G1 is equivalent to G2, i.e. the two graphs have exactly the same
/semantic/ meaning. The reason is that all of the mentioned semantics
interpret blank nodes (when used as anonymous individuals) as existential


Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
Research Scientist, Information Process Engineering (IPE)
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Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rüdiger Dillmann, Dipl. Wi.-Ing. Michael Flor,
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Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums: Ministerialdirigent Günther Leßnerkraus

Received on Sunday, 19 December 2010 13:16:35 UTC