Re: Covering Axiom Question

On Thu, 2009-10-01 at 19:16 -0400, Kevin Tyson wrote:
> What I don't understand is why an instance of the covered class does
> not create an inconsistency.

It's a consequence of the open world assumption.

If I define:

	:Primate owl:equivalentClass [
		owl:unionOf (:Human :Monkey)
		] .
	:Human owl:disjointFrom :Monkey .

(And I realise I'm vastly oversimplifying the biology here!) then a
statement like this:

	:Bob rdf:type :Primate .

is not inconsistent. In the first snippet, you've asserted that all
primates must be human or monkey, and cannot be both. In the second,
you've asserted that Bob is a primate. Therefore, Bob must be human or a
monkey, but not both.

But because of the open world assumption, that's OK. Bob *is* either a
human or a monkey, and not both - but we haven't said which he is.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 2 October 2009 08:11:29 UTC