Extended Submission Deadline - International Workshop on the Future Internet of Things and Services - Embedded Web Services for Pervasive Devices

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International Workshop on the Future Internet of Things and Services -
Embedded Web Services for Pervasive Devices

held in conjunction with FIS2009 <http://www.fis2009.org> 


Berlin, Germany, September 1st, 2009 


Extended Paper submission deadline: August 10th, 2009 




The Future Internet of Things aims at providing pervasiveness of the
Internet by integrating smart embedded devices into every day’s life
processes. This leads to a highly distributed network of devices
communicating with human beings as well as other devices. With the increase
of heterogeneity, it becomes very difficult to insure interactions with
devices in a unified manner. Enabling seamless convergence and
interoperability of heterogeneous devices will be one of the key factors to
the success of the Future Internet of Things. 


Moreover the Future Internet requires intelligent interaction with the
environment leading to the emergence of wireless sensor networks connected
to the Internet. There is a need for those networks to provide their
information in an interpretable form and to reduce the complexity of
accessing sensor services for applications or other systems.  


The challenge lies in developing and selecting the right software
frameworks, architectures, and protocols to publish embedded services via
the Internet. Web technologies have been used to provide an interface to
distributed services. This approach and the need for adaptable interfaces
asks for service oriented middleware approaches providing common base
functionality for service interaction and communication such as interface
description languages, and marshalling mechanisms. In addition, middleware
solutions for embedded systems need to monitor, and manage quality of
service aspects, such as response time, resource consumption, throughput,
availability, reliability and security.  


While web services being a standard and widely adopted technology for the
standard Internet, embedded systems as the worker nodes for the Internet of
Things need to catch up in utilizing these technologies. Embedded
distributed systems can implement service oriented architectures as a
promising approach to solve the complexity of distributed embedded
applications and propagate web services as a cross-domain technology.
Wireless sensor/actor networks, where the sensors are connected to and
controlled by embedded systems may benefit from this approach, where
services encapsulate the functionality and provide unified access to the
functionality of the system through a middleware layer.


The goal of this workshop is to bring together industrial or academic
researchers and developers interested in connecting limited embedded (web)
services and/or sensor networks with the Internet in order to build the
Internet of Things. Through paper presentations and discussions, this
workshop will contribute to the exchange of knowledge and ideas,
dissemination of results about completed and on-going research projects, as
well as identification and analysis of remaining open research issues.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


    * Architectural Issues in Future Internet of Things

    * Real world applications and scenarios for embedded web services

    * Interoperability of heterogeneous systems

    * Event-driven SOAs & Device-centric SOA

    * Service creation, deployment, life cycle management

    * Tool support for service creation, validation and testing

    * Enterprise application integration

    * Protocols for efficient message transmission to embedded devices

    * Web services and Middleware for embedded environments

    * SOA-based integration of IT systems in the healthcare enterprise

    * Web services executing in mobile or pervasive environments

    * Distributed sensor networks for remote monitoring and surveillance

    * Web services for field bus systems



Submission Instructions


Papers have to be submitted electronically, through the EasyChairSystem:



Papers should be written in English and should be no more than 6 pages for
full papers and 4 pages for short papers (font Times 11pt). Authors are
requested to follow the LNCS Style. The first page should contain the title
of the paper, names and addresses of all authors (including e-mail), an
abstract (100-150 words) and a list of keywords. Submissions should describe
original research. Papers accepted for presentation at FITS 2009 cannot be
presented or have been presented at another meeting with publicly available
published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences
must indicate this on the title page, as must papers that contain
significant overlap with previously published work. Over lengthy or late
submissions will be rejected without review. Notification of receipt and
acceptance of papers will be sent to the first author. 


Please also see the workshop website: http://www.fits2009.ist-more.org



Important Dates:


    * Workshop paper submission deadline: August 10, 2009

    * Notification of acceptance: August 17, 2009

    * Camera ready proceedings: August 25, 2009

    * Workshop day: September 1, 2009



Program Co-Chairs:


    * Vania CONAN 


Dr. Conan is head of Advanced Studies laboratory in Thales Communications,
Colombes, France. He received his Engineering Degree and PhD in Computer
Science from Ecole des Mines de Paris, France, and a Masters Degree in
Artificial Intelligence from Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. Since
then, he has been managing research projects at national and European levels
(FP5, FP6 IST programmes, ITEA Eureka cluster and French ANR). His current
research topics cover wireless and ad hoc networks, from a software and IP
protocol perspective.


    * Christian Wietfeld 


Prof. Dr. Wietfeld is head of the Communication Networks Institute of TU
Dortmund, University. He has a background in communications networks
research and product development at RWTH Aachen and Siemens AG. He held the
position of a Director Product Line Management at Siemens Communications and
served two years in the Board of Directors of the international industry
consortium WAP Forum resp. OMA (Open Mobile Alliance). His research work on
the design and performance evaluation of wireless communication
architectures, protocols and services is published in numerous conference
papers, book chapters, contributions to standardisation
(ITUT/3GPP/ETSI/OMA/CEN) and patents. He completed management programmes at
U.S. business schools (Kellogg/ Chicago and Babson/Boston).


    * Peter Marwedel 


Prof. Dr Marwedel is the head of UniDo/ES. His experience covers a wide
range of topics in embedded systems. In 2003, he published a very
influential text book on embedded system design which is setting standards
worldwide. In the same year, he received the teaching award of his
University. He is also heading the local technology transfer centre ICD. ICD
is in charge of transforming research results into industrial products. ICD
has designed several simulators, compilers and debuggers for industrial

TPC Chair:


    * Stefan Michaelis, stefan.michaelis@prodv.de 


TPC Vice Chair:


    * Damien Lavaux, damien.lavaux@fr.thalesgroup.com 


Publicity Chair:


    * Jens Schmutzler, jens.schmutzler@tu-dortmund.de 



Workshop Program Committee (alphabetical order):


    * Alejandro Alonso (Universidad Politecnic Madrid)

    * Christopher Foley (Waterford Institute of Technology)

    * Damien Lavaux (Thales Communications)

    * Akos Levay (Applied Logic Laboratories)

    * Stefan Michaelis (PRO DV Software AG)

    * Gemma Power (Waterford Institute of Technology)

    * Emilio Salazar (Universidad Politecnic Madrid)

    * Jens Schmutzler (CNI, Technische Universität Dortmund, University)

    * Constantin Timm (ESG, Technische Universität Dortmund, University) 



Please send an e-mail to TPC vice-chair, the publicity chair or visit the
workshop website at http://www.fits2009.ist-more.org for further



Dipl.-Ing. Jens A. Schmutzler

Communication Networks Institute (CNI)
Dortmund University of Technology
Otto-Hahn-Str. 6
44227 Dortmund

Room: C1-04-176
Fon: +49 (231) 755-3781, Fax: -6136
EMail:  <mailto:jens.schmutzler@tu-dortmund.de>
Web: ( <http://www.cni.tu-dortmund.de> www.cni.tu-dortmund.de) 


Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 08:35:50 UTC