ANN: Sparallax! - Browse sets of things together (now those on your SPARQL endpoint)

Dear Semi Structured Data Enthusiasts,

we are today pleased to announce version 1 of Sparallax

Sparallax is an adaptation of the  FreeBase Parallax to use SPARQL endpoints.

Thanks to a proxy and query translation modules (SPARQL to MQL and
results translated back), Sparallax is minimally invasive to the
original code of Freebase Parallax and will be maintained in parallel
in the same SVN repository.

Due to requirements of query functionalities and aggregates, Sparallax
currently only works on Virtuoso SPARQL endpoints. (do other
triplestores have aggregates? if so please let us know and we'll try
to support other syntaxes as well)

Sparallax allows faceted browsing of very large and complex SPARQL
datasets. More than this it allows moving from sets of resources to
other sets which are related through properties

Try sparallax on our test datasets or put just the URL of your SPARQL
endpoint (but make sure you have materialized your RDFs triples, it's

(please dont forget to visit the original parallax site, to watch that
original screencast in case you didn't already)

Big thanks to David Huynn for the support
All credits must go to Nishant Jaint (Development) and Michele Catasta


Received on Monday, 27 July 2009 16:25:17 UTC