cfp in i-seek09 special issue

Dear Friends,

We would like to remind you that in the context of Intelligent Systems for
Engineering Environmental Knowledge Workshop series, organized in
conjunction with CISIS Conference, a related call for papers of an
international journal (special issue) has been prepared (please find the
call attached below). The deadline for the special issue is approaching (3
weeks are left). 

Also, we would like to remind you the new call for papers for i-SEEK 2010
Workshop that will be held on February at Krakow, Poland (http://www.icsd.

 Kind Regards,



Dr. Konstantinos Kotis 

AI-Lab ,
Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Eng.,
School of Sciences, 
University of the Aegean

Karlovassi, Samos 
83200 Greece 
Tel.  +30 22730 89150 
Fax. +30 22730 82009 
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" (T. Hook)
P Please consider the environment before printing this email 



Call for Papers


International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems



Special Issue on

"Intelligent Systems for Engineering Environmental Knowledge and

Aims and scope

This special issue deals with  <>
Informatics in  <> Ecology and
<> Environmental science,
integrating environmental and information sciences. EcoInformatics focus not
only on the creation of tools to access and analyze natural system data but
also to facilitate environmental research and management by developing ways
to access and integrate  <> databases
of environmental information, and to develop new algorithms enabling
different environmental datasets to be combined to test ecological
hypotheses. EcoInformatics deal with the
<> semantics of natural systems'
knowledge, and thus, related research efforts are closely associated to
<> Knowledge
Representation. Examples of key research areas of EcoInformatics are:


-         Technology assisted systematic collection of data 

-         Easy access to relevant information (data and analysis), requiring
interoperability and integration across formats (syntax) and concepts

-         Development of conceptual and computational frameworks for
advanced modelling and analysis (e.g. complex ecosystems) 

-         Visualization and communication of analysis results and scenarios 


The amount of data, the heterogeneity of data sources, the complexity and
diversity of knowledge and terminology within environmental engineering are
key obstacles for successful interdisciplinary studies. For example, for a
typical modelling assignment a researcher needs to acquire knowledge of
individual computational models, search, gather and analyze raw data, ensure
their high quality, transform these data into formats compatible to the
computation models that he or she is to use, and then finally perform the
modelling. This process may take several days to months. 

To address these problems, the specification and use of semantics are major
issues.  Semantics can be understandable to both humans and machines,
improving data/knowledge sharing and integration. Semantics may provide
meaning to several domain concepts, describe a variety of domain/task
models, and clarify the meaning and use of data and services in
environmental engineering tasks. As it can be understood, ontologies is the
key technology towards addressing these goals. Having solved these problems,
we believe that we shall considerably advance towards the development of
intelligent systems that meet environmental engineering challenges. 

            Based on the above description, we seek innovative work that can
demonstrate intelligent applications and technologies which exploit
semantics to solve environmental engineering and ecoInformatics problems.
Furthermore, we seek innovative work that can demonstrate tools/systems
focusing on the efficient management and integration of environmental and
ecological data, semantics and knowledge. 


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


*         Knowledge Engineering in the Environmental/Ecological domain

*         Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Environmental/Ecological

*         Environmental/Ecological terminology 

*         Engineering environmental/ecological semantics

*         Semantics for efficient environmental/ecological data management 

*         Environmental/ecological data integration using semantics

*         Environmental/ecological semantics integration

*         Engineering environmental/ecological applications using semantics

*         Semantic frameworks for environmental/ecological systems

*         Semantics-based decision support environmental/ecological systems

*         Environmental/ecological awareness content and applications with
semantics support

*         Semantic technologies in environmental/ecological sensors networks



Submission Details

Submissions should include a PDF version of the manuscript and should be
sent both to kotis@aegean. <> gr and
When preparing your manuscript, please refer to the Journal Paper Guidelines
<> All authors need to prepare
high-quality submissions describing innovative work that addresses any of
the related topics, that is not under consideration for publication in any
other journal or conference. 


Authors whose work was already accepted for presentation in the i-SEEK09
Workshop are highly encouraged to submit extended versions of their work
where they shall also address the concerns of the reviewers and any other
comments/suggestions made by audients during papers' presentations in Japan.
These submissions should also include an additional document that clearly
state the extended material (further research conducted, new results
obtained, etc) and the reviewers'/audients comments/suggestions addressed.


For any further inquiries please contact kotis@aegean.
<> gr.


Important Dates

Manuscript Submission Deadline:                      30 July 2009

Notification of Conditional Acceptance:              21 Sept. 2009

Submission of Revised Manuscript Deadline:     30 Oct. 2009


Guest Editors

Deborah L. McGuinness ( 
Tetherless World Senior Constellation Chair and Professor of Computer
Science and Cognitive Science Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

George A. Vouros ( <> 

Professor, Univ. of the Aegean, Head of AI-Lab, Greece


Konstantinos Kotis (kotis@aegean. <> gr) 

Univ. of the Aegean, Ai-Lab, Greece


Peter Fox ( 

National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for
Atmospheric Research, USA




Dr. Konstantinos Kotis 

Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Eng. 
School of Sciences 
University of the Aegean 

Karlovassi, Samos 
83200 Greece 
Tel.  +30 22730 89150 
Fax. +30 22730 82009 
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it" (T. Hook)
P Please consider the environment before printing this email 

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