Re: Relationships between individual resources using POWDER

On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 16:33 -0200, Alexandre Gaigalas wrote:
> VADER: Vocabulary for Associating Descriptions of Resources
> Properties:
> vader:association - Describes an association between resources by URI
> patterns
> (all the following properties have rdfs:domain vader:association)
> vader:host - A pattern for hosts
> vader:minPathDeepness - Minimum of path levels associated
> vader:maxPathDeepness - Maximum of path levels associated
> vader:pathPrefix - Adds a prefix to the path association
> vader:pathSuffix - Adds a suffix to the path association 

Interesting idea.

I wonder if it might be made simpler by copying POWDER's regular
expression capability?

        rdf:resource="" />

Also, it's convention to capitalise the first letter of classes in RDF,
so vader:association might be better as vader:Association.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 15:32:08 UTC