Media types for RDF.

The question of proper, official media types for various serialisations
of RDF came up on #swig (IRC) again today.

What needs to be done to progress the registration of "text/n3" and
"text/turtle" which was discussed back in 2007/2008?

Right now the situation's a mess. The media types used by publishers,
and supported by consumers, are of such a variety that content
negotiation between them ends up as a lucky dip. I am surprised at the
lack of momentum for getting these standardised.

Once the registration is official, we should also submit a patch to the
Apache httpd project to get common file suffixes for RDF serialisations
into the Apache default configuration files. Currently ".rdf" is there
for RDF/XML. It would be handy to add:

AddType application/rdf+xml .owl
AddType text/n3 .n3
AddType text/turtle .ttl
AddType text/plain .nt  # Or maybe use text/turtle here too?

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 21 August 2009 12:15:18 UTC