OWL-S Precondition Check



i am new to OWL-S. I would like to implement in Eclipse an Precondition
Check for OWL-S Services.


Can someone tell me, how I can do this? Or are there any examples/tutorials?


I have tried the PreconditionCheck Example which is included in the OWL-S
API, but it didn't work. I throws always following exception:


Precondition check disabled




Trying unsupported language pair...


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException


      at impl.jena.OWLModelImpl.isTrue(OWLModelImpl.java:946)




      at reasoning.PreconditionCheck.run(PreconditionCheck.java:54)


      at reasoning.PreconditionCheck.main(PreconditionCheck.java:110)




Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 13:52:00 UTC