Re: "State of the Semantic Web" - personal opinions?

If you're ready to start that survey re Relational Databases,
here's a first submission.

n-ary relations are built-in types in the mKR language (
Relation tuples are represented as comma-separated values.

The unique thing about mKR relations is that they have a built-in 
meaning.  The meaning is a list of mKR propositions, with UNIX-shell-style 
variable substitution. Other attributes of relations may be used to specify 
automatic declarations, mode (in core or database), etc.

Here's a simple example of a relation.

address book is relation with
    format = [person:1, email:2, phone:3],
    meaning = { $1 has email = $2, phone = $3; };
begin relation address book;
    John Doe,, 209-555-1212;
    Jane Doe,, 212-555-1212;
end relation address book;

Here are some example queries.

    address book isc* ?;  # all tuples
    ? has email = ?;          # all email addresses
    John Doe has ?;         # email & phone


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Dubost" <>
To: "Danny Ayers" <>
Cc: <>; "Ivan Herman" <>; "Paul Miller" 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: "State of the Semantic Web" - personal opinions?

> Le 27 juin 2008 à 02:20, Danny Ayers a écrit :
>> The inspiration - last month I had the pleasure of attending a talk  by 
>> Ivan Herman entitled "State of the Semantic Web" [2] (apologies  Ivan, 
>> the most recent version of your slides I could find online are  last 
>> year's at [3], but I think those carry the gist).
> A bit more recent.
> -- 
> Karl Dubost - W3C
> Be Strict To Be Cool
Dick McCullough
Ayn Rand do speak od mKR done;
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;
mKE do enhance od "Real Intelligence" done;

Received on Sunday, 29 June 2008 21:37:42 UTC