RE: [call for comments] voiD - vocabulary of interlinked datasets


>I'm not quite sure what the proposal is, which makes it quite hard to 
>comment :-)

Thanks for your interest. I'll try to explain it better: voiD aims at
formalising Richard's nice 'bubble and arc' figure [1]. When we do this
we can say things like 'from e.g. expect statistics
about Europe' AND we can describe the interlinking (such as riese links
to Geonames) as well. More formally:

:riese a void:Dataset ; 
       dc:subject <> ;
       dc:subject <> .

:Geonames a void:Dataset ; 
<> .

:riese-ls a void:Linkset ;
       void:from :riese ;
       void:to :Geonames .

You can imagine that we can now attach a bundle of properties to both
the dataset as well as to the linkset. We also suggest to use scovo [2]
for attaching stats about the dataset, such as found at sindice map [3]
(click on one of the sets) which is currently done manually.

Please let us know in case there are some more open issues.



 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Damian Steer [] 
>Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 12:13 PM
>To: Hausenblas, Michael
>Cc: Semantic Web
>Subject: Re: [call for comments] voiD - vocabulary of 
>interlinked datasets
>Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
>> Dear interested people in linked datasets,
>> As you may have gathered, we have recently initiated a 
>discussion on how
>> to discover the linked dataset cloud [1]. The result of our impromptu
>> kick-off meeting at the ESWC08 is literally voiD - the ' 
>vocabulary of
>> interlinked datasets' (see notes at [2]). This is a proposal for a
>> vocabulary and a mechanism how it should be deployed and 
>used. We have
>> some first slides available at [3] as well.
>> Please consider commenting on it either by replying to this message
>> and/or sharing your thoughts with us at the Wiki [2].
>> Cheers,
>> 	Michael
>Thanks for the pointer Michael.
>I'm not quite sure what the proposal is, which makes it quite hard to 
>comment :-)
>Looking at the wiki the idea is currently one class: 
>lod:Dataset, which 
>is associated with topics. That seems nicely minimal, although as 
>written it seems broken (is a dataset a foaf:Document? 
>unlikely. and why 
>use x sameAs y rather than just y? would skos:subject work better?). A 
>thumbs up.
>Do you have a clearer idea of what a dataset is: something 
>like a (frbr) 
>work, expression, or manifestation of some information? Is any web 
>resource a dataset?
>Finally I ought to mention that we do have ways to describe data: rdf 
>schema and owl, so we have a head start. Augmenting with statistics 
>might be useful, as you indicate.
>P.S. I think there is already information about this in the ESW wiki.

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 11:10:15 UTC