new mKE command line options

There are two new options
For details, see

-none is useful if you want to define your own hierarchy, which is not 
to any existing hierarchies.  For example,
    ke -t Top -none
creates a new knowledge unit with only one node, "Top", defined.

-spo is useful if you want to concentrate on your own hierarchy,
without including all the "extra" nodes which are predefined for
a particular language.  For example

$ ke -m -owl -spo
# INFO: myopen: command line: ke -m -owl -spo
# INFO: input  file <input>
# INFO: output file <output>
# INFO: error  file <errout>
# INFO: log    file <input.log>
# INFO: kversion = "McCullough Knowledge Explorer 7.3  June 9, 2008"
# INFO: iversion = "Unicon Version 11.3.  March 20, 2006"
# INFO: iexplore = C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe
# INFO: systype = Windows
# INFO: home = C:\cygwin\home\rhm
# INFO: kehome = C:/cygwin/home/ke
# INFO: new_knit: view=spo, top=Thing, mkrfiles=kb/spo.owl.html
# INFO: set_dot: . is ke;

# context <at view = spo ;>
/  Class
//    Container
//    file
/  Property
//    i:subClassOf
//    i:subPropertyOf
//    i:type
/  Statement
//     subject property value.
//     subject property object.

##### knowledge base #####
# INFO: kbmode = mke
# INFO: kedb = C:\cygwin\home\rhm/db
# INFO: kbworld = &null
# INFO: kbdata = &null
# INFO: kbfile = &null
# clock <2008/06/09 18:35:45> # ready for new knowledge


Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;
mKE do enhance od "Real Intelligence" done;

Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 01:55:07 UTC