Re: Southampton Pub data as linked open data


Wow, seems like I really pushed the wrong buttons! My intention *was*  
to be controversial, but not *that* controversial. I didn't mean this  
as a personal attack on you. I meant it as an attack against a  
specific technical decision made in the design of OWL. It is evident  
that I crossed a line here and for that I apologize, and I accept the  
blame for the temporary deterioration of the thread.

I think we agree on two facts:

1. Creating subproperties of rdfs:label puts ontologies into OWL DL,  
which is undesirable for OWL reasoners.

2. Creating subproperties of rdfs:label enables RDF consumers like  
Tabulator to do some useful presentational things.

So there's a real conflict. We don't want to force ontology authors to  
pick sides, so it would be good to resolve it somehow. There are two  

a) Accept that creating subproperties of rdfs:label was a bad idea,  
and change the RDF browsers and existing ontologies to use either a  
different property or a different mechanism,

b) Accept that subproperties of rdfs:label are a fact of life, and  
change the OWL reasoners to automatically clean up those parts that  
are outside of OWL DL.

To me it is not self-evident that a) is the correct answer. I would  
prefer b). I admittedly have not much clue about OWL, so please  
forgive me if I display my ignorance once more, but wouldn't it be a  
nice feature anyway if OWL reasoners were able to automatically clean  
up ontologies to the desired level of Full, DL, or Lite? Would that be  
a workable alternative, instead of designing a new mechanism for  
presentational annotations?

Any opinions appreciated.


On 30 Jul 2008, at 00:28, Bijan Parsia wrote:

> On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:44 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>> On 29 Jul 2008, at 15:23, Bijan Parsia wrote:
>>> On 29 Jul 2008, at 15:08, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>>>> Making something like pub:name a subProperty of rdfs:label is  
>>>> essential
>>>> for the Tabulator for example to know it can use names as labels  
>>>> in the UI.  So please do it
>>> I would suggest that Tabulator find a better way. E.g., something  
>>> Fresnelish.
> For many reasons. I.e., I would recommend this even if  
> subpropertying rdfs:label becomes legit OWL DL.
>> Let me see.
> Try *thinking* next time.
>> 1. The RDF working group defines RDF and RDFS, including the useful  
>> utility properties rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, rdfs:seeAlso and  
>> rdfs:isDefinedBy.
> say that they "defined" them is stretching things a bit. E.g.,
> """(rdfs:comment, rdfs:seeAlso, rdfs:isDefinedBy and rdfs:label are  
> included here because some constraints which apply to their use can  
> be stated using rdfs:domain, rdfs:range and rdfs:subPropertyOf.  
> Other than this, the formal semantics does not assign them any  
> particular meanings.)"""
>> 2. RDF people start to use these properties in conformance with the  
>> specs.
> Also stretching things a bit.
>> 3. While defining OWL-DL, the OWL WG introduces rather arbitrary  
>> restriction on all these properties.
> It's not actually arbitrary per se, but I do understand that  
> technical considerations are a lost cause on you.
>> 4. OWL people ask RDF people to stop subclassing these properties  
>> in order to meet the restrictions imposed by OWL-DL.
> Do whatever you want.
>> This doesn't make any sense to me.
> Many things don't, I see. I notice you elided the fact that you have  
> a rather ridiculously constrained notion of the "open web". There's  
> no *need* to be hostile, after all. (And yes, you started the tone  
> in the gutter in the face of non-guttered tone.)
>> The OWL WG blundered when they redeclared these properties as  
>> annotation properties.
> That part is quite sensible, actually. The design of RDF is  
> problematic in several ways not least in mixing domain modeling and  
> annotative stuff.
> I wouldn't be surprised if these choices don't affect you. Good for  
> you. I even understand that you don't care about people for whom it  
> matters. Also good for you.
>> [snip]
>>>> Presumably OWL DL systems can be built to ignore the  
>>>> rdfs:subClassOf fact when they do OWL-DL reasoning on the data.
>> +1. You broke it, you fix it.
> Thanks for playing.
> Cheers,
> Bijan.

Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 02:08:09 UTC