[Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this e-mail to
anyone interested.]

*                  Call for papers and posters                *
*                                                             *
*                 EXTRACTION AND MANAGEMENT                   *
*                                                             *
*              3rd International Conference on                *
*           Semantic And digital Media Technologies           *
*                                                             *
*           Koblenz, Germany, December 3, 2008                *  
*     *

In conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Semantic
and Digital Media Technologies SAMT 2008, Koblenz, Germany. 

Important Dates

Paper Submission  :     September 14
Notification      :     October 5
Camera Ready      :     October 26
Workshop          :     December 3

Objectives & Topics

Demand for techniques that handle multimedia content is increasing
with the wide spread of new ways of communicating and interacting:
Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, are all environments where users exchange
rich multimedia content (i.e., textual, visual, audio, structure).
Users demand for more: they want to exploit the richness of
multimedia information present in their documents, such as
OpenDocument, Microsoft Office, PDF, photos and videos in Flickr
and YouTube, bookmarks in, Wikipedia, TV Broadcast
News, etc. Thus, it is impossible to conceive nowadays a world
without applications that exploit the information available on
these sources of rich multimedia content.

This workshop aims at being a forum to discuss the advances and
challenges of cross-media information analysis and extraction methods
that can enhance state-of-the-art single-media analysis approaches
and enrich current multimedia information management applications.
We welcome innovative research papers that address fundamental
research questions with concrete research proposals, achievements
and evaluation and Posters aimed at disseminating initial research
results and systems to handle cross-media research. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:
 - Cross-media information analysis and extraction algorithms
 - Knowledge driven cross-media information analysis
 - Context-aware analysis of cross-media information
 - Cross-media information retrieval
 - Reasoning with cross-media information
 - Metadata extensions to support semantic annotations of cross-media
 - Advances in manual annotation methods of cross-media information
 - Semi-automatic and automatic annotation methods for cross-media
 - Applications for manual annotation of rich multimedia documents
 - Addressing and storage of cross-media information
 - Cross-media information delivery and management
 - Synchronization of media objects for cross media analysis
 - Cross media features, nature, scope and integration approaches


The cross-media information analysis, extraction and management
workshop welcomes six (6) pages long regular papers addressing
fundamental research questions with concrete research proposals,
achievements and evaluation and two (2) pages long posters aiming
to disseminate initial research results of systems handling
cross-media data. All paper and poster submissions mush follow the
LNCS style publication format and should be submitted electronically
via the SAMT 2008 submission tool


The 3-day-conference gives us the opportunity to take part in various
additional activities such as: industrial exhibition, social events,
excursions, etc. The conference will take place in Koblenz, a
2000-year-old town situated in the picturesque landscape of the Rhine
and Mosel. The region of Koblenz is also famous for its excellent wines.

For more information please visit the conference web site:

Organizing Committee

João Magalhães
The University of Sheffield, UK

Spiros Nikolopoulos

Invited Speaker

Yiannis Kompatsiaris

Program committee        

Yannis Avrithis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece),
Jenny Benois-Pineau (Université Bordeaux, France), Paul Buitelaar
(DFKI, Germany), Philipp Cimiano (University of Karlsruhe, Germany),
Simon Coltom (Imperial College London, UK), Thierry Declerck (DFKI,
Germany), Shahram Ebadoallani (IBM Research), Thomas Franz (University
of Koblenz, Germany) Jose Iria (The University of Sheffield, UK),
Ebroul Izquierdo (Queen Mary, UK), Stephane Marchand-Maillet (University
of Geneva, Switzerland), Lars Shmidt-Thieme (University of Hildesheim,
Germany), Stefan Ruger (The Open University, UK), Vojtech Svatek
(University of Economics, Prague), Roelof van Zwol (Yahoo Research,

Received on Monday, 21 July 2008 10:21:05 UTC