Re: discussion about Semantic Web realization

> Most importantly, the development of the World Wide Web was driven by
> the need to solve real, primarily technical problems. The Semantic Web
> was also invented in order to address a real problem (sorting through
> information) but because of the reasons above and the existence of
> alternative solutions (e.g. Google) the same driving need has failed to
> materialize. The Semantic Web is a classic "second system"
> (

Without getting into the whole argument -- others will perhaps do that
-- I have been watching for many years for signs of the Semantic Web
being a Second System, and I just don't see them.  (I fell badly prey to
the SSE years ago, became intensely aware of the syndrome, and have
wanted to help Tim avoid it, if possible.  But he's never needed my

To the extent the Semantic Web can be seen as Tim's sequel to the Web
(and, of course, a lot of other people had a lot to do with building
both systems!) I think it best fits the model of: he did the easy stuff
first and put the harder stuff off for later.  The Semantic Web is some
of that harder stuff.

     -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 12:42:48 UTC