Re: A new Semantic Web logo?

On 11 Oct 2007, at 23:21, Francois-Paul Servant wrote:
>> I like neither the new logo(s) nor the policy around it
> neither do I:
> - graphically, it is hard do a better job than the RDF logo, which,  
> at the same time, symbolizes the basic molecule of the SW, and has  
> given birth to many variations, based on a kind of "natural  
> extensibility", that matches perfectly the deep nature of the SW,  
> where links are so important.

I actually like the cube design. Ultimately, the Semantic Web is  
about opening up the world's data silos, and I think this is nicely  
symbolized in this logo.

The blue RDF logo of course also has its place. It evokes triples and  
connected resources, it's about the nuts and bolts and gears that are  
turning under the hood.

> - And the policy is indeed questionable.

Yes. Because of this policy, the logo cannot be used to promote and  
advertise the presence of actual deployed data. It can only be used  
as a banner ad to promote W3C. It's an attempt to get free  
advertisement from the community. Personally, I'm not willing to give  
up any screen real estate for that.


> AFAIK, the Semantic Web doesn't belong to anybody. How could a  
> logo, supposed to visually identify it, (and we know the importance  
> of identification for the sw ;-) ) be requiring such a harsh  
> condition as to link to a particular web page? (Furthermore, as  
> people usually don't want to waste space in their pages, I have the  
> feeling that they won't use this logo if they cannot use it in the  
> way they see fit. Which will prevent it to be largely used, hence  
> recognized.)
> May I suggest a more entertaining requirement, in the form of a  
> self illustration of the semantic web to be included in the HTML  
> for the logo? Something such as:
> "When used on the Web, the logo must be an active element of the  
> Semantic Web, and therefore include at least, as RDFa data, the  
> following statement:
> this logo is a foaf:depiction of the semantic web".
> (would this be enough to start a race in developping small scripts  
> doing funny things when the logo is clicked, based on the use of  
> this statement as a starting point?)
> BTW, a question is: which URI would be used, in this statement, to  
> identify the "semantic web"? (Surprisingly enough, googling the  
> string "URI of the semantic web" only returns 2 results). Although  
> "" is often used, for instance, in FOAF  
> pages as value of the foaf:interest property, this URI, as it  
> stands, doesn't seem to be a good candidate: as the SW is not an  
> information resource (or is it?), we should be 303-redirected when  
> dereferencing the uri of the SW.
> Best Regards,
> fps

Received on Friday, 12 October 2007 07:44:37 UTC