A new release of the TM4L Editor

Hello all,


A new version of the Educational Topic Map Editor TM4L is now available.
TM4L is an e-learning environment providing authoring and browsing
support for creating ontology-based learning content and/or structuring
digital repositories. TM4L utilizes topic map-based overlay structures
that encode domain knowledge and connect it to (learning) resources,
which are considered relevant to a specific domain. 


The features added recently to TM4L include:

  - topic map querying capabilities 

  - visual topic map editing 

  - conversion between topic maps and RDF data 

  - plug-in architecture enabling users to add new features 

  + more ...


The latest version of TM4L can be downloaded from 



As always your feedback is welcome!






Darina Dicheva

Winston-Salem State University

3206 E.J. Jones Computer Science Bldg

Winston Salem, NC 27110

Phone: 336-750-2484










Received on Monday, 8 October 2007 23:40:44 UTC