CFP - Web Mining 2.0 - Workshop at ECML/PKDD 2007

Web Mining 2.0

Workshop co-located with ECML/PKDD 2007
September 21, 2007 - Warsaw, Poland

\___  Important Dates

    * Paper submission deadline: June 30, 2007
    * Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 21, 2007
    * Camera-ready papers: July 28, 2007
    * Workshop: September 21, 2007

\___  Objectives

Many Web 2.0 applications have rapidly emerged on the Web. This indicates a 
currently ongoing grass-root creation of knowledge spaces on the Web. The 
reason for the apparent success of the upcoming tools for Web cooperation 
(wikis, blogs, etc.) and resource sharing (social bookmark systems, photo 
sharing systems, etc.) lies mainly in the fact that no specific skills are 
needed for publishing and editing. As these systems grow larger, however, 
the users feel the need for more structure for better organizing their 
resources. For instance, approaches for tagging tags, or for bundling them, 
are currently discussed on the corresponding news groups. Furthermore, 
recent developments show an increasing trend for Web 2.0 applications to 
become "ubiquitous" also beyond the Web; in particular, Web and mobile 
usage interfaces to social platforms are increasingly being combined.

The machine learning community has a long tradition in extracting structure 
from large scale data collections. With the Web 2.0, it faces (at least) 
three new challenges:
 1. New data types appear, for which there exist currently no 
out-of-the-box data mining solutions, for instance for the triadic 
hypergraph structure of folksonomies or for documents in wikis that 
permanently change over time.
 2.The majority of Web 2.0 users have no skills in knowledge engineering 
and data mining. Tool support targeted directly at the end user has thus to 
hide the complexity usually involved in the different data mining steps 
(eg, data cleaning, parameter settings).
 3. Mobile Web 2.0 applications have the potential to offer huge amounts of 
different types of data: localization is added to temporalization.

Beside submissions that address one of these challenges, papers discussing 
other aspects on the intersection of Web 2.0 and Knowledge Discovery are 
also highly welcome.

\___  Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    * network analysis of social resources sharing systems
    * analysis of wikis and blogs
    * analysis of social online communities
    * discovering social structures and communities
    * analysis of network dynamics
    * discovering misuse and fraud
    * web 2.0 personalization
    * web 2.0 technologies for recommender systems
    * information retrieval in the web 2.0
    * community detection
    * emergent semantics
    * web 2.0 based ontology learning
    * predicting trends and user behavior
    * semantic association identification by link analysis
    * web 2.0 crawling
    * mining information from distributed and re-combined ("mashed-up") Web 
2.0 sources
    * mobile Web 2.0: social search; mobile communities; …
    * usage interfaces for mining: parallelization of Web and mobile 
interfaces; mash-up interfaces; interactions between usage interfaces and 
data collection, mining, and presentation
    * privacy challenges in Web 2.0 and mobile Web 2.0 applications
    * applications of any of the above methods and technologies
    * ...

We also encourage submissions which relate research results from other 
areas to the workshop topics.

\___  Workshop Organising Committee

    * Bettina Berendt, Institute of Information Systems of Humboldt 
University Berlin, Germany
    * Dunja Mladenic, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    * Giovanni Semeraro, Department of Informatics, University of Bari, 
    * Myra Spiliopoulou, Institute of Technical and Business Information 
Systems, Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet 
Magdeburg, Germany,
    * Gerd Stumme, Hertie Chair of Knowledge and Data Engineering, 
Universität Kassel, Germany

\___  Program Committee

    * Andreas Hotho, Germany
    * Maarten van Someren, Netherlands
    * Janez Brank, Slovenia
    * Michelangelo Ceci, Italy
    * Marco de Gemmis, Italy
    * Natalie Glance, USA
    * Marko Grobelnik, Slovenia
    * Pasquale Lops, Italy
    * Ion Muslea, U.S.A.
    * ... to be extended ...

\___  Submission and Proceedings

We invite two types of submissions for this workshop:

    * Technical papers in any of the topics of interest of the workshop 
(but not limited to them)
    * Short position papers in any of the topics of interest of the 
workshop (but not limited to them)

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of these 
reviews. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop.

Format requirements for submissions of papers are:

    * Maximum 12 pages, including title page and bibliography for technical 
    * Maximum 6 pages, including title page and bibliography for short 
position papers.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Stumme, Chair of Knowledge & Data Engineering,
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Kassel, Tel. 0561/804-6251, Fax: -6259
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Received on Monday, 14 May 2007 13:47:46 UTC