Problem with my N3 and CWM

Hi All,

I have attached a little illustrative ontology that I am writing to
understand RDF, N3, OWL, CWM, etc and to explore how these technologies
might ultimately be used in .NET (within the travel domain)

 <<filter.n3>>  <<needs.n3>>  <<test.n3>> 
In the file filter.n3 the following rule is found:

			?u :need ?n.
			?p :providesService ?s. 
			?s :satisfies ?n.
			(?u!:name " might want to consider " ?p!:name)
string:concatenation ?z. 
			?u!:name log:outputString ?z.

In the context of the ontology described in needs.n3 this is supposed to
mean the following:
If a user ?u has a need ?n and provider ?p provides a service ?s that
satisfies ?n, then output a string saying that the user might want to
consider the provider.

The test instances in test.n3 are:
		:P1 a :Person; :name "Andrew Matthews"; :need :Rest.
		:H1	a :Hotel; :name "Royal Victoria Hotel".

I have tried to run cwm using a variety of options but the following is
cwm needs.n3 test.n3 filter.n3 --think --strings

but I get no response (literally no errors or diagnostics), and if I
remove the --strings option I expected to see some indication that it
had deduced that the rule had been matched for user :P1 and hotel :H1
("Andrew matthews might want to consider the Royal Victoria Hotel")

When I add --chatty=99 I get the following (which doesn't tell me much)
		Begining output.
		   End formula - first of length (42, 6, 0) {42}
In addition I tried some rules from the test area under CWM, and found
that they worked OK, so there appears to be no problems with my
installation of CWM.
So what am I doing wrong?
Andrew Matthews
Readify | Senior Developer

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