Re: Can you query rdf:List easily? (WAS Re: update on vCard edits and The Compromise)

Harry Halpin wrote:
> Is it indeed difficult or impossible to write a SPARQL query over
> rdf:List, particulary with the use of owl:sameAs as in:
>  <vCard:additionalNames rdf:parseType="Collection">
>       <rdf:Description owl:sameAs="Edward"/>
>       <rdf:Description owl:sameAs="Reeves"/>
>  </vCard:additionalNames>. 
> Can someone tell me precisely why and if so, does rdf:Seq help?

When answering this question, I don't think it's necessary to think in 
terms of owl:sameAs, because RDF allows literals in lists, as Sandro 
pointed out. (Thanks, Sandro---I had let the RDF/XML serialization cloud 
my thinking, and didn't realize that this was available in the RDF 
model.) I think that the lack of literals in rdf:List in an RDF/XML 
serialization will be irrelevant, one way or another; I don't think that 
should affect the analysis.

I'd be interested in knowing the answer to this question concerning 
literals in lists using SPARQL, as I don't (yet) use SPARQL.


Received on Saturday, 28 July 2007 06:47:53 UTC