Re: Four Questions to Resolve VCard Issue on Ordering/Unordering

Garret Wilson wrote:
> Harry Halpin wrote:
> No.
>> 2) One could have in addition to an ordered additionalNames, one
>> could have an unordered vCard:additionalName that allowed both
>> ordered and unordered without value-switching.   
> No. I've considered this in some ontologies I've created (for exactly
> this problem), but it seems a shame to create two properties with
> identical semantics except that the value will be different. In
> essence, this is v:additionalNameIfYouOnlyHaveOneAdditionalName and
> v:additionalNameIfYouHaveMoreThanOneAdditionalName. We surely wouldn't
> want v:additionNameIfYouHaveExactlyThreeAdditionalNames . :)
Note to clarify, this proposal would allow additional unordered names,
as in unordered lists of names. TimBL seems to prefer this to be
restricted to a cardinality of 1, but my original proposal in the e-mail
does not restrict the cardinality.
>> 4) Should we extend the compromise (between 1,2, and 3) to
>> vcard:honorable-prefix and vcard:honorable-suffix.
> No. I agree that some of the same problems crop up, but because
> honorable prefixes and honorable suffixes are almost a known universe,
> a processor can easily present the correct order when needed. (In
> fact, the order may vary among locales---I don't know.) I think that,
> compared to names, prefixes and suffixes are sufficiently detached
> from the name, small in number, and reasonably understood semantically
> not to warrant lists.
I think TimBL's response shows that suffixes and prefixes suffer from
ordering issues, i.e. "Herr Professor" and so on. One could say "*names*
are almost a known universe, a processor can easily present the correct
order when needed. (In fact, the order may vary among locales---I don't

Also, the vCard spec [1] itself seems to think they are ordered.

> Garret


Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 07:30:11 UTC