Re: literals are resources too

>       not true). I'd like to see something like <xsd:integer
>       rdf:literalAbout="123"/>, where "123" plays an analogous role to
>       rdf:about. This is the same thing has saying <rdf:Description
>       rdf:type="xsd:integer" rdf:literalAbout="123"/>. Suddenly we get

im a bit unclear (perhaps since i don't know rdf/xml). what is the URI for the literal resource. is it a blank node? or is the URI just '123' ?

fwiw, i already use URIs in place of literals by splitting the 'basename' portion of the path from the trailing section..

since i never responded to your original RDFON request for comments - i think its redundant in the face of n3 unless its actually JSON compliant (that means, no functions, which it looks to include). a purely functional (Haskell-syntax) RDF form may be interesting, may get to that if i decide Ruby isnt fast enough for dbpedia querying..

Received on Friday, 27 July 2007 05:33:33 UTC