Re: Named Graph Serialisation

NQUADS is in fact what SWSE uses to provide his crawl dumps

Nquads can be turned into ntriples (merging all the named graphs) by a
simple textual processing

sed -e "s/<\S*> \./\./" file.nq > file.nt


On 7/25/07, P.L.Coetzee <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a fairly large set of data persisted in a quad-store, consisting of a set of named graphs within a single dataset. Other than TRiX, I've yet to come across any 'accepted' means of seralising the graphs into a single RDF dump (ideally which could be read in without massive memory overhead, such as can be easily done with N-Triples).
> The obvious solution to me would be a sort of 'N-Quadruples', whereby one serialises the Graph URI as the first element per line, followed by the usual S-P-O triple pattern of N-Triples. This seems like the simplest solution (in terms of ease of implementation, readability, as well as for any future processing on the set). What are the list's thoughts on such an approach; is there any prior art that I'm missing, other standards that can achieve the same goals that etc?
> Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
> Cheers,
> Peter

Received on Thursday, 26 July 2007 10:41:14 UTC