CFP: Workshop on Educating The Web-Generation (Edu4WebGen 2007) DL: 10 July

                          Call for Papers:
International Workshop on "Educating The Web-Generation" (EWG'07)
                      at IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-IAT 2007
                 November 2-5, 2007 - Silicon Valley, USA


While talking about Web Intelligence we cannot leave those behind using the web 
and “its intelligence? the Web-Generation. This workshop focuses on the fundamental 
(computational) education of future generations whose lives will more and more be 
influenced by an enormous potential for technology and furthermore by a hard 
competition in a global world. During the next years of not only computing we have 
to find an answer to the question how to provide our schoolchildren, students, and 
workforces with the necessary educational opportunities to succeed in a digital 
economy influenced by a hard competition in a global word. How will they adopt and 
evaluate new technologies? 

Knowledge itself is growing tremendously and the web with its informational overflow 
?not yet prepared to be a fully interactive, context- and user-sensitive tool 
supporting people in their daily routines ?has already transformed every aspect of 
our lives. Is the next generation already able to deal with those technological 
possibilities? Has it the language and analytical skills to be more than Nintendo-Kids? 
During the last years, the literacy of 15-year-old students was tested by the PISA-test 
of the OECD member states and not only the U.S. was shocked at the outcome.

Web today ?with Web 2.0 and its technologies ?is a place of knowledge (e.g. Wikipedia)
but also of crime in different manners. Web-Education is necessary and on focus of 
almost every nation. Working on new curricula, innovative teaching concepts, or 
discovering relevant key competencies were also on the agenda of Bill Gates while 
claiming the U.S. school systems during a senates debate early this year.

This workshop is a plea for offering universal literacy using fundamental domains of 
computer science. Literacy understood as „a person’s knowledge and culture and the 
ability in a particular subject or field, such as computer literacy?(Webster’s 1995) 
helps us to see the importance of language-competence, logic skill and other aspects 
for educating future knowledge workers and knowledge citizens making most of an 
intelligent web. Submissions not dealing with e.g. new e-learning innovations but 
with fundamental approaches and concepts to deliver (web-)skills for (web-)people to 
take a chance of the growing (web-)intelligence are highly welcome.

Workshop Chair

Elisabeth Heinemann
University of Applied Sciences Worms
Department of Informatics
Erenburgerstrasse 19
D-67549 Worms
Email: heinemann(at)fh-worms(dot)de

Program Committee

Stefano A. Cerri (Universit?Montpellier, France)
John P. Dougherty (Haverford College, USA)
Werner Hartmann (Pädagogische Hochschule Bern, Swiss)
Peter Hubwieser (Technische Universität München, Germany)
Piet Kommers (Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands)
Johannes Magenheim (Universität Paderborn, Germany)
Erich Ortner (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Simon Rogerson (De Montfort University Leicester, U.K.)
George Siemens (elearnspace, Canada)
Hartmut Wedekind (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)


The workshop paper submission can be done online. Please come back to this page later 
on. An online tool will be linked here.

Paper Format
The length of accepted paper should NOT exceed 4 pages (one more extra page is only 
available for extra payment!). As template please use the IEEE-CS 2-column format as 
shown here:

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the Society Press.

Important Dates
July 10,  2007      Electronic Submission of full papers
August 3, 2007 	    Notification of paper acceptance
August 17, 2007     Camera-ready of accepted papers
November 2-5 2007   WI-IAT 2007 Conference


For any questions please feel free to contact the workshop organizer.

Received on Monday, 2 July 2007 04:15:43 UTC